Topic: university

Rector Toomas Asser at the opening ceremony of the academic year: I wish you make yourself heard both at the university and in society
Speech by Rector of the University of Tartu Professor Toomas Asser at the opening ceremony of the academic year on 4 September 2023.
04. September 2023 university
4,806 new students start their studies at the University of Tartu
On Monday, 4 August at 10, the festive opening of the 2023/2024 academic year of the University of Tartu takes place in front of the university’s main building. 4,806 new students join the ranks of University of Tartu students.
31. August 2023 university
Well-being of university family
The university is one of the largest and most diverse organisations in Estonia. We are working to offer the university family a supportive and safe working and learning environment.
31. August 2023 university
President Alar Karis: The other side of academic freedom is academic responsibility
President Alar Karise kõne rektori inauguratsioonil 25. augustil.
30. August 2023 university
Rector Toomas Asser: the measure of the national university is that our word carries weight
Inauguration speech of Rector of the University of Tartu Professor Toomas Asser in the university's assembly hall on 25 August 2023.
25. August 2023 university
Rector Toomas Asser accepted the resignation of Dean Raul Eamets
On 23 August, University of Tartu Professor of Macroeconomics and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Raul Eamets submitted an application to Rector Toomas Asser to resign from the dean's position. The rector accepted the application on the same day, dismissed Eamets from the dean's position and appointed Professor Janno Lahe, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Social Sciences, as acting dean. 
23. August 2023 university
University of Tartu terminates employment contract with Raul Eamets 
Today, the Rector of the University of Tartu, Professor Toomas Asser, decided to end the University of Tartu’s employment relationship with Raul Eamets, Dean of the UT Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor of Macroeconomics.  
14. August 2023 university
Survey was presented in the name of the University of Tartu without the university’s approval
Estonian people have received an invitation from the foundation Pere Sihtkapital to participate in a survey, for which the foundation has used an agreement concluded illegally with the University of Tartu to request people’s data from the population register.
14. August 2023 university
Menu layout and search of the UT website have a new look
At the beginning of August, the menu layout of the UT website was updated.
03. August 2023 university
University announced architectural competition for future academic and research building
The university has launched an architectural competition to find a design for the construction of an academic and research building and the landscaping of the surrounding area at Maarjavälja. The new building will house the Institute of Technology, the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute of Pharmacy.
01. August 2023 university