The award “Pillar of the University”

The award “Pillar of the University” is presented to recognise natural and legal persons who have made a highly significant contribution to the development of the University of Tartu and promoted its good name and standing in Estonia and abroad. The award was established in 1994.

The right to make nominations for the award “Pillar of the University” may be exercised by members of the university senate and council and by the councils of faculties and non-faculty institutions. The senate decides on giving the award.

The rector presents award at a ceremony to award honorary decorations organised during the anniversary celebrations of the Estonia’s national university.

Alar Karis

Jaak Aaviksoo

Viktor Palm

Tullio Ilomets

Peeter Tulviste
Jüri Kärner
Urmas Klaas

Lembit Allikmets
Vello Peedimaa

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