Partnership programme of the University of Tartu

Cooperation with our researchers gives the company a competitive advantage and access to world-class development services.

  • introductions in laboratories and workshops
  • personal development
  • use of a researcher as an expert in the company’s development team
  • specific trainings
  • expert assessments
  • international cooperation network
  • an exclusive opportunity to be close to young researchers’ development projects
  • recruiting through advertising or simulation
  • project-based practice – solutions with multidisciplinary and international student teams
  • mentoring – the opportunity to direct future educators
  • problem-based learning
  • student research
  • management and development programs
  • specialised training for specialists
  • short motivational trainings
  • flexible e-courses
  • creative solutions for events
  • co-speaker for the development and directions of curricula
  • direct contact with the curriculum leader
  • team organiser for university – let us know the expertise you need for the development of your area

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