Advice from peer tutor

On this page you can find information as to who peer tutors are at the University of Tartu and how they can help you. Below you can also find instructions on how to become a peer tutor.

New students at the University of Tartu are supported by specially trained fellow students called peer tutors. Peer tutors are UT students who have completed a Peer Tutoring course and who volunteer to help newly arrived degree-seeking students, both international and Estonian, to adapt to the academic environment at the University of Tartu.

Initiating contact

If you have selected, as part of the DreamApply application form, agreement to share your e-mail address with the peer tutors, they will receive your e-mail addresses and will contact you approximately in July. Thereafter they will continue as peer tutor until the end of the first semester.

If you did not agree, peer tutors will not contact you, but feel free to conctact the peer tutor for your study programme yourself (see the list below).

NB peer tutors are assigned by study programme (see the list below). If your study programme does not have a peer tutor then you do not have one and no one will contact you, even if you agreed to this on the DreamApply application.

How can a peer tutor help?

Peer tutors are ready to provide guidance and information on various matters ranging from the study system and student life, to living in Tartu and in Estonia in general.

If you have questions as to how to manage your studies at the University of Tartu (register for courses, etc.), how to adjust to student life and the academic culture of UT, or how to find important locations (computer classes, lunch rooms, etc.), do not hesitate to contact your tutor. Please note that tutors are volunteers who are willing and eager to share their knowledge, yet they are not expected or trained to cover all the topics that international students can come across. For example, questions relating to visa or residence permits, and finding appropriate and affordable housing in Estonia should not be addressed to the tutors. Furthermore, tutors are not paid for their work, so they should not be asked to bear any costs when helping students.

Here are some examples of most common questions international students have asked over the years:

  • How is the credit system arranged at the University?
  • How can I change my University mail account password?
  • What is available in the student dorms (for example what kitchen utensils) and what should I bring?
  • How far is the dorm from the bus-station?
  • Where can I study French?
  • What are the opportunities to practice sports in Tartu?
  • What is the Estonian national food? Is it also served in restaurants?
  • Where can I buy products to make Chinese food?
  • How can I buy a monthly bus ticket?
  • Where can I buy a second-hand bicycle?
  • How can I rent a room?
  • Where can I play volleyball?

Here you can find the list of assigned peer tutors for English-taught study programmes (BA, 2-year MA) at the University of Tartu. To see the list of Estonian study programmes, please visit the Estonian peer tutoring page.

The list contains peer tutors of autumn semester of academic year 2024/25. Emails will be added in July.


Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages (master)
Helena Brit Rosenberg,

European Languages and Cultures (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director

Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies (master)
Yanjinlkham Dashtseren,

Philosophy (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director

Semiotics (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director


Business Administration (bachelor)
Liisi Valdvee,
Maibel Kipasto,

Innovation and Technology Management (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director

International Law and Human Rights (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director

International Relations and Regional Studies (master)
Niamh Anoek Mc Dermott,

Quantitative Economics (master)
Cedric Kaitira,

Politics and Governance in the Digital Age (master)
Niamh Anoek Mc Dermott,

Wellness and Spa Service Design and Management (master)
There is no peer tutor


Kaleb Lawrence Casey,
Kasper Aleksi Rainansalo,
Kiia Kerttu Pauliina Paljakka,
Ronja Marian Parkkari,

Clinical Nutrition (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director


Actuarial and Financial Engineering (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director

Applied Measurement Science (master)
Support is organised by the programme management, contact or

Bioengineering (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director

Computer Science (master)
Miriam Calafa',

Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (master)
Support is organised by the programme management, contact or

Geoinformatics for Urbanised Society (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact the programme director

Materials Science and Technology (master)
There is no peer tutor, with questions please contact

Robotics and Computer Engineering (master)
Miriam Calafa',

Science and Technology (bachelor)
Natavan Aliyeva,

Software Engineering (master)
There is no peer tutor

What freshmen have told

The tutors were very welcoming and showed us around the city. They planned some nice activities.

Been able to communicate with someone living in the environment I was about going into was really helpful. My study program tutor was always there to answer any question. So her presence really made me feel welcome to the university before arriving.

Tutor always helped, always prepared for our possible questions. When I first arrived I had troubles integrating, tutor supported me a lot. Also created events for all of the students to meet.

Tutor was way to contact and answered all possible questions before even we even got to Tartu.

How to become a peer tutor

To become a tutor it is necessary to take part in the Peer Tutoring course. For more information on this course (such as the topics taught, responsibilites as a peer tutor, etc.) in SIS, please go to Peer Tutoring (P2OO.00.007). Registration opens together with general registration for spring semester courses, according to the academic calendar.

After completing the spring part (P2OO.00.007, 1. part) of the course, tutors will be assigned groups (study programmes) in cooperation with tutor trainers and programme directors. The tutoring will be carried out during the 2nd part of the Peer Tutoring course (P2OO.00.007, 2nd part) in the autumn semester, called tutoring practice. Tutorship starts in summer and ends at the end of the autumn semester, so availability by e-mail in summer and presence in Tartu for the autumn semester are necessary. Please check the timetables for the spring part of the course, as attendance at the seminars is a compulsory part of completing the course.

If you are passionate and want to help and support new students and represent UT in the role of a peer tutor, while also being ready to learn more about the regulations and organisation of study at the University of Tartu, please do not hesitate to join the course or ask for more information. Contact us at

Why become a peer tutor?

In addition to being able to help others, gain the gratitude of many students and university staff and make new friends among those who follow your specialty as well as in other disciplines, tutoring provides an excellent opportunity for personal development. This experience can help develop the skills you need in every area of life, such as public speaking, leadership, organisation and communication skills, etc. You will also receive optional course credit points for completing the Peer Tutoring course.

Peer tutors recommend

You get to feel the excitement of “starting your studies” again and again, which is very precious

A wonderful experience full of new people and self-discovery

Why you should become a tutor? In every student’s life there is the initial point of uncertainty – “How will I get there?”, “Where will I live?”, “How will I adjust?”, “Are there scholarships?” etc. By becoming a tutor you will be trained with social skills and knowledge that will be used to assist the next cohort of students. Also if you are a lifelong learner these skills will empower you.

As a tutor:

  • you meet great people
  • you can learn important skills that will be useful in future jobs e.g. time management, presentation, social & communication skills, organising events and team work skills

Study instructions main page

Other support services available at the University of Tartu

Buddies (for exchange students)

International Student Ambassadors (for students and applicants)

UT Student Union (for all UT students)

UT Counselling Centre

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