Nomination process

Please note that the sending university is responsible for the nomination of students and staff members based on open call for applications!

1. Student exchange 

Spring semester nomination deadline is:  October 15 (all applicants)
Autumn semester nomination deadline is:  March 31 (all applicants)

  • Trainees can be nominated throughout the year

Nomination information has to include: student's name, field of study, study level (1st, 2nd or 3rd) and contact e-mail.
The partner university should send the nominations to the student coordinator:

2. Staff exchange

The partner university should send the staff nominations at least 4 weeks before requested mobility dates to the central coordinator:

Nomination information: name, mobility dates, contact e-mail
For teaching mobilities the host institute in UT has to be consulted and contacted well in advance - preferable a semester ahead - for including the teaching activity in the curricula.

All necessary information and the documentation will be issued by UT after nomination has reached the central coordinator and sent to the home university coordinator and the participant. Documentation includes:

  1. Invitation
  2. Mobility agreement (for teaching/or training) - has to be signed before the mobility starts
  3. Grant agreement 

Participants will have to make their own travel arrangements. The reimbursement for travel is calculated according to the travel support amount provided by European Commission and grant payment is calculated according to the duration of the visit. All payments will be made by UT upon arrival. For more infromation please check the page for Funding and Activities.

Mobility activities can start only after the Interinstitutional Agreement between Universities has been signed centrally (rector/authorized person) by both partners.

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