Utrecht Network

The Utrecht Network (UN), founded in 1987, is a European-wide 30 universities that aims to develop cooperation in the field of internationalisation in higher education. The Executive Secretariat of the network is based at the University of Bologna, Italy. The University of Tartu was elected as a member of the network in 2006.

UN member universities are actively developing cooperation in the fields of student and faculty exchange, internationalisation of curricula, joint study programmes, joint summer schools, etc. UN has an active student exchange programme with MAUI (Mid American Universities International), a consortium of 18 universities in the US Midwest. The student exchange programme between UN and MAUI consortium universities hosts around 100 students per year. There is also a student exchange programme with the Australia-Europe Network (AEN), a consortium of 6 universities in Australia, with around 50 exchange students per year. Cooperation also takes place with universities in Southern Africa, China and Latin America.

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