
Exmatriculation - deletion from the matriculation register - means exclusion from the list of students. The student can continue to study as an external student, by being re-matriculated, or by seeking re-admission.

A student is deleted from the matriculation register

  • in connection with the completion of the curriculum in full (usual graduation);
  • at the request of the student - application (which will later be sent to programme director for approval) must be submitted to:

Students admitted as of 2024/2025, who interrupt their studies on their own initiative more than 70 days after the beginning of the semester, must pay the tuition fee for the courses to which they have registered but have not completed. Tuition fee is paid based on the credit point price. This applies to the students of both Estonian and English taught curricula, who do not pay for their studies (have tuition fee waived).

  • upon expiry of the final date of studies;
  • in the event of failure to pay tuition fees by the due date;
  • if the student is matriculated or rematriculated to another curriculum;
  • if the student studying in a joint curriculum has been deleted from the matriculation register of the university coordinating the joint curriculum;
  • if, as a first-year student (except doctoral students), he or she has not registered for courses within the first two weeks of the academic year;
  • if a part-time student (except doctoral student) has not registered for courses (excluding a graduation thesis or exam) without a good reason within the first two weeks of the semester;
  • if the first-year doctoral student has not submitted an individual plan;
  • in the event that the contract to fund doctoral student's place is terminated;
  • if a student sent to an intensive Estonian language programme fails to complete the programme by the end of the nominal period of study;
  • if the curriculum is closed and the student has not requested a transfer to another curriculum;
  • in the event of inappropriate behaviour:
    • academic fraud:
      • using materials not permitted in an exam;
      • engaging in an exchange of knowledge (providing answers to or copying answers from a fellow student) which is not permitted in an exam;
      • submitting someone else’s paper in their own name;
      • participating in an assessment of learning outcomes for another student;
      • submitting the work produced by generative artificial intelligence under one’s name without proper academic referencing or intentionally using it as part of one’s work without proper academic referencing;
      • resubmitting work if they have already received credit points for it (except when teaching staff allows it);
    • committing an intentional criminal offence;
    • gross violation of generally recognised norms of behaviour or academic practice;
    • forging documents
  • due to a lack of progress:
    • if the total number of credit points upon completion of the curriculum is less than 50% of the estimated total for the period of study (this is verified at the end of each academic year). In the first year, progress is also verified at the end of the autumn semester;
    • if a negative evaluation result has been recorded four times on one course. The evaluation time is considered as exhausted also in the event of ‘not present’;
    • if a student receives a negative grade for the final exam twice or a negative grade for the defence of their graduation thesis twice;
    • the doctoral student is assessed negatively at a progress review or cannot be assessed;
    • the degree was not awarded after a repeat defence in doctoral studies;
    • in the Faculty of Medicine, if less than 100% of the volume of the compulsory courses has been completed; or a negative result has been obtained in the same compulsory course three times.

With exmatriculation access to UT information systems will be cancelled (SIS, Moodle, computer classes, other IT services).

From the academic year 2024/2025, students who have been exmatriculated, no matter when they have started their studies at UT, can apply for rematriculation if at least two years have passed since the exmatriculation (rematriculation means the re-entry of a person in the list of students). Previously, this restriction applied only to cases of exmatriculation for improper behaviour, but now it is also extended to other cases of exmatriculation. This means that students will have to wait for two years before they can rematriculate, no matter what the case of exmatriculation – on their own initiative, on the grounds of insufficient academic progress or for any other reason – and whether they are enrolled for free or paid studies. To apply for rematriculation, also other conditions laid down in the Study Regulations must be met (e.g. if the student was exmatriculated due to failure to pay the tuition, the debt must have been cleared to rematriculate).

Study instructions main page

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