Well-being of university family

The university is one of the largest and most diverse organisations in Estonia. We are working to offer the university family a supportive and safe working and learning environment. For that, we formulate shared policies, create support and counselling services, and have joined the “Respecting differences” partnership of the Diversity Charter.

Acknowledging diversity, respect for the rights of the university members and promoting equal treatment helps the university to achieve development goals, supports a motivating learning and working environment and values staff and students.

Equal treatment at the university

The Counselling Centre located at the UT Library offers students of all levels of study free counselling on the organisation of studies, career counselling and psychological counselling, supports students with special needs in their studies, organises the training of peer tutors, shares study-related information and offers training courses.

Web page of the Counselling Centre

We value the self-development opportunities of our staff, offering them a wide range of internal training courses. This includes the development of professional skills of both academic and support staff.

Read more in the intranet

We have created a recognition system to make sure the efforts of our best are noticed and recognised.

Recognition web

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