Quality management

On 28 May 2021, the senate adopted the university's quality management principles, the aim of which is to establish a common quality management framework and define the quality management activities and persons in charge (in Estonian). On the other hand, the quality management principles support the development of the university’s quality culture and thereby improve the university members’ working and learning experience, as well as enhance the quality of services provided by the university.

Principles of quality management

  1. The principles of quality management aim to create a uniform framework for quality management at the University of Tartu (“university”) and define the quality management procedures and the persons responsible.
  2. Quality management is a part of strategic management, ensuring processes consistent with the university’s objectives of development and operation, and their periodic review and improvement. Quality management supports the development of the university’s quality culture and helps maintain and improve the quality of its main and supporting activities. Quality management is based on a cycle of continuous improvement, the parts of which are planning, doing, checking, and acting.
  3. Quality management is based on the statutes and the strategic plan of the university. Quality is defined by the mission, fundamental values, vision and tasks of the university, as defined in the strategic plan. The procedures supporting the achievement of the goals of the strategic plan and the fulfilment of the university’s tasks at all levels of management are described in the bylaws and guidelines of the university.
  4. The university ensures quality through continuous and purposeful improvement of all activities, taking into account the expectations and feedback of various stakeholders. The university’s stakeholders include the members of the university, continuing education learners, alumni, partners, employers, government agencies, local authorities and society at large. The university ensures that efforts to meet the expectations of one interest group do not reduce the satisfaction of other stakeholders.
  5. The main activities of the university are teaching, research and development, and provision of services to society based on these activities. The quality of the main activities is influenced, among other factors, by the preparedness and motivation of learners, staff competences and motivation, the clarity, feasibility and ambition of the university’s development and operational objectives, the quality of support activities, the condition of teaching and research infrastructure, and financial and other resources.
  6. The university’s support activities support the high-quality implementation of the main activities. The quality of the support activities is influenced, among other factors, by staff competences and motivation, the clarity, feasibility and ambition of the university’s development and operational objectives, and financial and other resources.
  7. Information about the quality of the main and support activities is received via feedback surveys, internal evaluation of teaching and studies, performance interviews and evaluation of employees, achievement of performance and key indicators, internal audit and external evaluations, and other means. Based on the data received, improvements are carried out.
  8. The hallmarks of quality culture are the commitment of employees and learners to their work and studies, shared values, ethics, cooperation, sharing best practices and the desire for continuous improvement.
  9. The rector is responsible for optimal functioning of quality management. All employees of the university are responsible for quality within their field of activity. Learners are responsible for the quality of their learning.
  10. The senate will review the principles of quality management as necessary, but at least once during the term of the strategic plan.


Quality management is based on the cycle of continuous improvement

Kvaliteedi juhtimine

The quality management activities and persons in charge


Activity and process


University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity






Planning the university’s development


University of Tartu Strategic Plan for 2021–2025
University of Tartu Financial Strategy until 2025

Spatial development strategy until 2025 of the University of Tartu

Focal areas of the university’s research and development and innovation
(on the intranet), in Estonian


Rector, director of development

Rector’s Office


Every five years









Planning staff recruitment and development


Good practice of leadership
Regulations for Recruitment of Academic Staff


academic secretary

Human Resources Office, faculty unit


As needed 









Planning the development of information systems


Digital Development Strategy (in planning stage),
Information Technology Strategy
 in Estonian


Director of Administration

Information Technology Office


As needed 

Mapping risks   

Internal auditing rules (in Estonian) 



Internal Audit Office 


As needed

Activity and process

University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity




Planning the opening of a curriculum

Statutes of Curriculum
Language and internationalisation principles of the University of Tartu

Vice rector for academic affairs, dean

Office of Academic Affairs, faculty unit


As needed 

Planning of the organisation of studies

Study Regulations

Vice rector for academic affairs

Office of Academic Affairs, faculty unit


As needed 

Planning of student admissions

Admission rules at the first and second level of higher education in the 2021/2022 academic year
Admission Rules in Doctoral Studies

Description of Office of Academic Affairs
, in Estonian

Vice rector for academic affairs

Office of Academic Affairs



Once a year, in October 

Planning the development of learning environments

Description of Office of Academic Affairs, in Estonian

Vice rector for academic affairs

Office of Academic Affairs, faculty unit


As needed

Development of continuing education programmes

Regulations of Continuing Education
Procedure for establishing, invoicing and exempting from tuition fees for continuing education

Procedure for issue of continuing education certificates
, in Estonian
Description of Office of Academic Affairs
, in Estonian

Vice rector for academic affairs, dean

Lifelong Learning Centre,
Office of Academic Affairs, 

structural unit organising the continuing education


As needed

Activity and process


University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity






Planning of new scientific research and applying for R&D funding for that


Regulations for processing development projects
Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

Description of Grant Office

Description of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
, in Estonian

Description of services provided by Grant Writing Unit (on the

Guidelines on preventing, identifying and solving conflicts of interest and corruption-prone situations,

Statute of the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu
, in Estonian

Guidelines for equal treatment


Vice rector for research, dean

Grant Office,
faculty unit


As needed 

Activity and process

University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity





Development planning

Strategic Plan of the University of Tartu Museum for 2019–2023, in Estonian
Strategic Plan of the University of Tartu Youth Academy for 2017–2022
, in Estonian

Strategic Plan of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden 2025
, in Estonian

Strategic Plan of the University of Tartu Library 2021–2025
, in Estonian

Strategic Plan of the University of Tartu Academic Sports Club until 2025
, in Estonian

Vice rector for research,
vice rector for academic affairs,
vice rector for development, 

director of administration

Head of institution


Every five years 


Activity and process


University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity 







Strategic Management


University of Tartu Strategic Plan for 2021–2025
University of Tartu Financial Strategy until 2025

Spatial development strategy until 2025 of the University of Tartu

Statute of the Development Fund
, in Estonian

Performance agreements

Faculties’ strategic plans

Strategic plans of faculties’ structural units


Rector, dean


Rector’s Strategy Office,
faculty unit






Governance and representation of the university


Statutes of the University of Tartu
Rules and principles of the work of Rector’s Office

Principles of establishment of and participation in legal persons
, in Estonian

Conditions and Procedure of Electing Representatives of Academic Staff to the Faculty Council

Senate election rules

Good practice of leadership

Procedure of electing deans and directors of institutions
, in Estonian




Rector’s Strategy Office





International cooperation


Language and internationalisation principles of the University of Tartu
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021–2027, University of Tartu


Director of development,


International Cooperation
and Protocol Unit, Study Abroad Centre of Office of Academic Affairs,
faculty unit





Financial management


Budgeting principles, in Estonian
Budget Committee Rules
, in Estonian

Budgeting Rules

Rules of Using Financial Accounts

Accounting Policies and Procedures
, in Estonian

Procurement Rules

Pricing Rules
, in Estonian

Description of Finance Office
, in Estonian


Head of finance, deans


Finance Office






Human resource management


University of Tartu Work Rules
Collective bargaining agreement

Regulations for Recruitment of Academic Staff

Job Descriptions of Academic Staff

Regulations for Evaluation of Academic Staff

Regulations for Retirement with Emeritus Status

Statute of Visiting Professorship in Liberal Arts

Regulations for Giving Recognition

Salary Rules

Guidelines for equal treatment

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Description of Human Resources Office
, in Estonian

Regulations for Recognition with the Education Deed of the Year Award
, in Estonian

Statute of the University of Tartu best teaching staff award

Statute of the Promotion of Teaching Quality Award
, in Estonian


academic secretary (recognition), 


Human Resources Office,
faculty unit





Managing and developing of the learning and work environment


Use and Disposal of Immovable Property
Spatial development strategy until 2025 of the University of Tartu

Rules of Construction Work and Investment in Immovable Property

Rules of Using Buildings and Rooms

Fire Safety Rules

Regulations for ensuring security in the buildings of the University of Tartu

Regulations for handling chemicals

Rules of arming the security system in buildings and rooms

Waste Management Rules

Procedure for using email service

Information Security Strategy
, in Estonian

Description of Estates Office
, in Estonian

Information Technology Standard
, in Estonian

Procedure for Providing IT Services
, in Estonian

Description of Information Technology Office
, in Estonian


Director of administration, 


Estates Office,
Information Technology Office,

faculty unit





Academic ethics


Good practices: Good practice of teaching, learning, doctoral studies, Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, good practice of giving feedback
Statute of the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu
, in Estonian

Statute of the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu


Academic secretary,


Faculty unit





Communication management


Symbols of the University of Tartu, in Estonian
Rules of Using Symbols of the University of Tartu
, in Estonian

Description of Marketing and Communication Office
, in Estonian

Marketing and communication principles of the University of Tartu (on intranet) 


Director of administration,


Marketing and
Communication Office, 

faculty unit





Risk management


Internal auditing rules, in Estonian


Rector, dean


Internal Audit Office,
faculty unit





Information management


Documentary procedure rules, in Estonian

Documentary Procedure Rules
List of documents
, in Estonian

Description of Administrative Office
, in Estonian


Director of administration


Administrative Office



Activity and process


University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity





Course design


Study Regulations


Vice rector for academic affairs,

Structural unit responsible
for teaching the course


As needed 

Opening of curricula


Statutes of Curriculum
Language and internationalisation principles of the University of Tartu


Vice rector for academic affairs, dean 

Degree Studies and Quality Assurance Unit, 
Office of Academic Affairs,

dean’s office,

structural unit organising the studies


As needed 

Organising of teaching and studies


Study Regulations



Structural unit organising the studies




Student admissions  

Admission rules for the first and second level of higher education in 2023/2024 

Admission Rules for Doctoral Studies 

Description of the Office of Academic Affair 


Vice rector for academic affairs 

Office of Academic Affairs, faculty's unit 


Once a year


Counselling and supervising of learners


Study Regulations
Statutes of Curriculum

Description of the Office of Academic Affairs
, in Estonian

Description of Student Union Office
, in Estonian


Vice rector for academic affairs,

Office of Academic Affairs,
structural unit organising the studies





Counselling and supervising of teaching staff


Description of Human Resources Office, in Estonian
Description of Office of Academic Affairs, in Estonian

Good practice of teaching

Regulations for Evaluation of Academic Staff

Job Descriptions of Academic Staff

Scholarships of teaching and learning


Vice rector for academic affairs,

Centre for Professional Development,
Lifelong Learning Centre,

structural unit organising the studies





Managing and developing of the study information system 


Description of Office of Academic Affairs, in Estonian 
Regulation of Study Information System, in Estonian

Guidelines for e-learning


Vice rector for
academic affairs

Office of Academic Affairs





Development and organisation of continuing education programmes


Regulations of Continuing Education
Procedure for establishing, invoicing and exempting from tuition fees for continuing education

Procedure for issue of continuing education certificates
, in Estonian

Description of Office of Academic Affairs
, in Estonian


Vice rector for
academic affairs, dean

Lifelong Learning Centre, 
structural unit organising continuing education



Activity and process


University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity 







Research studies and provision of research-based services


Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
Regulation for Processing Development Projects

Procedure for issuing calibration, analysis, measurement and test certificates
, in Estonian

Description of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
, in Estonian

Guidelines on preventing, identifying and solving conflicts of interest and corruption-prone situations

How to avoid conflicts of interest in business cooperation
(on the intranet)

Statute of the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu
, in Estonian

Guidelines for equal treatment

Guidelines for entering R&D services in ETIS
(on the intranet)

Guidelines for answering Adapter enquiries (for administrators and partners)


Vice rector for research, dean


Grant Office, Centre for
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 

faculty units





Management of R&D infrastructure


Principles for establishing and organisation of work of shared-resource facilities, (Intranet) 
Statutes of the University of Tartu High Performance Computing Centre
, in Estonian

Statutes of the University of Tartu Core Facility for Biosafety
, in Estonian

Statutes of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
, in Estonian


Vice rector for research, dean






Intellectual property protection


Procedure for Managing Intellectual Property Created at the University of Tartu
Disclosure form for intellectual property with commercial potential

Deed of assignment of intellectual property rights

Description of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
, in Estonian


Vice rector for research


Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
(Legal Advisor in Matters of Intellectual Property)





Application of research results in business (startups and


Description of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, in Estonian


Vice rector for research,


Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation,
faculty unit



Activity and process


University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity






Maintaining the biobank


Statutes of the Institute of Genomics


Vice rector for research


Institute of Genomics



Library services


University of Tartu Library Rules,
Statutes of the University of Tartu Library
, in Estonian


Vice rector for research







Maintaining of science and cultural historical collections and providing services based on them


Statutes of the University of Tartu Museum, in Estonian
Statutes of the University of Tartu Library
, in Estonian

Statutes of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
, in Estonian


Director of development, vice rector for research


Director of Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden, director of museum, director of library





Maintaining of natural history collections and providing services based on them


Statutes of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden, in Estonian
Rules of organisation of natural history collection and digital archive of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
, in Estonian


Director of development


Director of Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden





Conservation of cultural heritage


Rules for managing cultural assets
Monitoring of the complex of buildings of the Observatory as UNESCO world heritage in line with the
Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention

Monitoring of the historical buildings (main building, buildings of the Toome Hill and Botanical Garden) as buildings awarded with the European Heritage Label in accordance with
Decision No. 1194/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (Art. 15)

Heritage Conservation Act
and the management plan of the heritage conservation area of Tartu Old Town, in Estonian


Rector, director of development, director of administration






Provision of science- and technology-based hobby education


Statutes of Youth Academy, in Estonian
Statutes of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
, in Estonian


Vice rector for academic affairs, director of development


Director of Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden





Dissemination of research results (popularisation)


Statutes of the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden, in Estonian


Vice rector for research, dean, director of development, director of administration


Marketing and Communication Office, institution, faculty unit




Activity and process


University regulation, strategy document or guideline guiding the activity 






Annual review of strategic and implementation plans



Vice rector for development,


Rector’s Strategy Office,
faculty unit


Twice a year (interim report in September and final report at the beginning of the year) 

Annual reports



Head of finance


Rector’s Strategy Office


Once a year, in March 

Development of the statistika.ut.ee dashboard



Director of development



Rector’s Strategy Office


As needed 

Performance appraisals


Good practice of leadership
Salary Rules

Description of Human Resources Office
, in Estonian

Performance agreements

Satisfaction surveys


Rector, dean


Head of Human Resources Office,
heads of structural units,
immediate supervisors


Once a year, from December to February 




Evaluation of academic staff


Regulations for Evaluation of Academic Staff
Job Descriptions of Academic Staff

Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

Good practice of teaching


Academic secretary, dean


Human Resources Office,
faculty unit


As needed 




Progress review of doctoral students


Study Regulations
Regulations for Doctoral Studies
(from 1 September 2021)




Doctoral centres


Once a year  

Students’ and resident doctors’ appeals 


Study Regulations
Rules of Residency

Rules of procedure of study-related appeals committee and steering admission committee, in Estonian

Regulations of Continuing Education

Guidelines for equal treatment




Vice dean for academic affairs,
vice dean for residency of the Faculty of Medicine, vice rector for academic affairs, appeals committee, admission steering committee,
head of structural unit managing the continuing education, head of Office of
Academic Affairs, legal counsel for organisation of studies


As needed 




Employee feedback to work environment


Description of Human Resources Office, in Estonian
Units’ risk assessments

Satisfaction surveys

Performance appraisals


Director of administration,


Human Resources Office,
head of structural unit


Once a year 




Internal auditing


Internal auditing rules, in Estonian


Head of internal audit


Internal Audit Office


Continuous, according to the internal audit plan 


Institutional accreditation and other external evaluation


Statutes of Curriculum
Description of Office of Academic Affairs
, in Estonian

Description of Rector’s Strategy Office
, in Estonian


Rector, vice dean for academic affairs,


Rector’s Strategy Office,
Office of Academic Affairs


Once every seven years 

Risk assessment   

Internal auditing rules  (Estonian) 




Internal Audit Office 


Once a year 

Benchmarking national and international institutions with a similar profile   

International university rankings 

Results of the ENLIGHT programme 


Director of development 


Rector’s Strategy Office



Activity and process


Effective bylaws, strategy documents or guidelines







Internal evaluation of teaching and studies


Statutes of Curriculum


Vice rector for academic affairs,


Degree studies and quality assurance unit
of the Office of Academic Affairs,
structural unit or dean’s office managing the curriculum


Once a year

Assessment of students


Study Regulations




Structural unit organising the studies



Feedback to degree study courses and curricula and continuing education programmes


Procedure for Asking and Taking into Account Feedback in Degree Study
Regulations of Continuing Education


Vice rector for academic affairs,


Office of Academic Affairs,
structural unit organising the studies


Once a semester (Dec, May), For continuing education programmes – continuous 


Self-evaluation of quality assurance in continuing education


Self-evaluation report of continuing education (on the intranet)


Vice rector for academic affairs


Lifelong Learning Centre of the Office of Academic Affairs 


Once a year 

Evaluation of the organisation of admission     


Vice rector for academic affairs 


Office of Academic Affairs, faculty's unit 


Once a year 

Activity and process


Effective bylaws, strategy documents or guidelines







Open science, incl. data management, publication


R&D results are evaluated externally, for example, by funders of scientific data collecting and publishers (more generally, publishers of research output) – peer review as quality assessment
Statutes of the University of Tartu Library
, in Estonian

The library’s guidelines for Open Science and research data management (
website of UT Library),

Regulations for Doctoral Studies


Vice rector for research





Evaluation of R&D, incl. regular and targeted evaluation 


The terms and conditions of evaluation of R&D are established pursuant to the Organisation of Research and Development Act by the minister responsible for the field. The university must apply for regular evaluation. Targeted evaluation is mandatory if the university has received finances from state budget funds in the evaluated field.


Vice rector for research


Grant Office


Regular evaluation once every seven years. Targeted evaluation as needed. 

Activity and process


Effective bylaws, strategy documents or guidelines







Management reports


Annual reports of the University of Tartu Museum, in Estonian
Reports of the Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
, in Estonian

Annual reports of the Youth Academy
 in Estonian


Director of development, vice rector for academic affairs, dean


faculty unit


Once a year 


Applying for quality label


Activity Plan for Environmental Education and Awareness 2019–2022, in Estonian
Criteria for good environmental education programmes
, in Estonian


Vice rector for academic affairs


Service provider


Feedback surveys


In non-formal environmental education in line with the criteria for good environmental education programmes


Vice rector for academic affairs


Service provider


At the end of the course 


Activity and process


Effective bylaws, strategy documents or guidelines







Supporting the development of employees, incl.


Description of Human Resources Office, in Estonian
Satisfaction survey

Feedback from internal training courses


Director of administration,


Human Resources Office,
faculty unit



Development of leadership skills


Good practice of leadership
Description of Human Resources Office
, in Estonian


Director of administration,


Human Resources Office,
dean’s office



Development of teaching and supervising skills


Description of Office of Academic Affairs, in Estonian
Description of Human Resources Office
, in Estonian

Good practice of teaching

Scholarships of teaching and learning


Vice rector for academic affairs,


Centre for Professional Development,
Lifelong Learning Centre,



Sharing of best practices



Rector, dean


Faculty unit



Development of learning skills



Vice rector for academic affairs





Updating of the organisation of studies


Study Regulations


Vice rector for academic affairs


Office of Academic Affairs


As needed 

Amendment and updating of curricula


Statutes of Curriculum


Vice rector for academic affairs,


Office of Academic Affairs, faculty unit


As needed 

Updating of continuing education programme   

Regulations of Continuing Education


Vice rector for academic affairs, dean 


Lifelong Learning Centre of the Office of Academic Affairs, unit organising continuing education 


As needed 

Amendment and closing of courses


Study Regulations


Vice rector for academic affairs,


Office of Academic Affairs, faculty unit


As needed 

Updating of educational programmes (e.g. museums)



Director of development


Service provider


As needed 

Updating of services



Vice rector for research,
vice rector for academic affairs,
director of development,

director of administration


Service provider


As needed


Updating of bylaws and guidelines



Vice rector for research,
vice rector for academic affairs, director of development,

director of administration


Relevant structural unit


As needed 

Adjusting the assesment of risk level       



Internal Audit Office


As needed 

Evaluation of the impact of improvement activity   

See Assessment 


Relevant member of the Rector’s Office 


Relevant unit 


After implementing the improvement activity 

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