Topic: university

Estonian-language university turns 103
1 December marks 103 years from the opening of the Estonian-language University of Tartu. Traditional anniversary events will be held on that occasion. 
21. October 2022 university
Academia Gustaviana 390
On Monday, 7 November, the University of Tartu celebrates the day of Academia Gustaviana to mark 390 years since the founding of the University of Tartu.
20. October 2022 university
University of Tartu continues rise in world university rankings
For the first time, the University of Tartu has reached a position among the top 250. 
13. October 2022 university
Student canteen opened its doors at Hugo Treffner Gymnasium
On 12 October, a student canteen opened at the Hugo Treffner Gymnasium in Tartu.
03. October 2022 university
Disturbances when calling to university's landline numbers
On Thursday, 29 September, there may be some disturbances when calling to the university's landline numbers from 15:00.
28. September 2022 university
Human Rights Centre recognises the University of Tartu with the quality label “Respecting differences”
The Estonian Human Rights Centre presented the diverse workplace quality label “Respecting differences” to the University of Tartu at Proto Invention Factory in Tallinn.
15. September 2022 university
Nominations invited for Contribution to Estonian National Identity award
Submission of candidates for the University of Tartu award “Contribution to Estonian National Identity” is open until 31 October.
14. September 2022 university
Rector's reception for international staff members and doctoral students 2022
Rector's reception for international staff members and doctoral students 2022/2023.
14. September 2022 university
UT Memorial Day
Tartu Ülikool mälestab ülikoolipere lahkunud liikmeid 22. septembril kl 16.00 Raadi kalmistu keskväljakul. Buss Raadile väljub kl 15.30 peahoone tagant.
13. September 2022 university
Winning entry in the Maarjavälja green area competition has been announced
The design competition for the green area in Maarjavälja, which ran until mid-August, received three entries. The authors of the entries were published on 5 September at the University café.
02. September 2022 university