1 December marks 103 years from the opening of the Estonian-language University of Tartu. Traditional anniversary events will be held on that occasion.
On Monday, 7 November, the University of Tartu celebrates the day of Academia Gustaviana to mark 390 years since the founding of the University of Tartu.
The Estonian Human Rights Centre presented the diverse workplace quality label “Respecting differences” to the University of Tartu at Proto Invention Factory in Tallinn.
Tartu Ülikool mälestab ülikoolipere lahkunud liikmeid 22. septembril kl 16.00 Raadi kalmistu keskväljakul. Buss Raadile väljub kl 15.30 peahoone tagant.
The design competition for the green area in Maarjavälja, which ran until mid-August, received three entries. The authors of the entries were published on 5 September at the University café.