Topic: university

RECORDING: Inclusive language policy and Estonian language learning are discussed and the university’s language award is presented on Mother Tongue Day
On 14 March at 13:00, all university members and language lovers are welcome to celebrate Estonia’s Mother Tongue Day in the university assembly hall.
Come and watch the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team’s home games!
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in March​.
02. March 2023 university
Come and watch the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team’s home games!
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in March.
02. March 2023 university
Come and watch the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team’s home game on 7 March!
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in March​.
02. March 2023 university
Student Renar Kihho: we must ensure that education is protected
Meditsiiniteaduste valdkonna 4. aasta üliõpilase Renar Kihho tervitus Eesti Vabariigi 105. aastapäeva aktusel 23. veebruaril 2023. aastal Tartu Ülikooli aulas.
23. February 2023 university
Rector: we have agonisingly little time to prepare for future
Rector Toomas Asser's speech at the ceremony dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia on 23 February 2023 at 12:00 in the assembly hall of the University of Tartu 
23. February 2023 for societyuniversity
University of Tartu celebrates the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia
24 February is the 105th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. The University of Tartu marks this important day with several events.
20. February 2023 university
Faculty of Social Sciences nominated Professor Raul Eamets as rector candidate
At the meeting on 9 February, the council of the Faculty of Social Sciences decided to nominate professor Raul Eamets as a rector candidate of the University of Tartu.
16. February 2023 rector electionsuniversity
Faculty of Medicine nominated Professor Toomas Asser as rector candidate
Faculty of Medicine nominated Professor Toomas Asser as rector candidate.
16. February 2023 rector electionsgovernance