Topic: culture

Museum Night 2023: "Movement in the Night"
On Saturday, May 20, the Museum Night "Movement in the Night" will take place.
15. May 2023 culture
ENLIGHT invites to online lecture on AI and its impact on education
ENLIGHT invites participants to an online lecture on 10 May at 16:00 where three experts discuss AI and its impact on teaching and learning.  
RECORDING: Public talk by Timothy Garton Ash: a Personal History of Europe
Prof. of European Studies at the University of Oxford, renowned historian Timothy Garton Ash giving a public talk at the White Hall of the University of Tartu Museum on May 11, 2023
Clay heads, sea urchins, seals and porcelain girls hidden among the greenery in the Botanical Garden
On 12 April, the ceramics exhibition "Ex terra. Hortus luteus" opened at the Botanical Garden, featuring ceramic works of art made mainly by wood-firing. The exhibition will remain open until 31 May.
14. April 2023 cooperationculture
Nature Talks "The environmental impact of the textile industry: can the throwaway culture be stopped?"
Designer Reet Aus will discuss the textile industry's environmental impact at the Nature Talks at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum.
ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference invites contributors until 10 May
The third ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference will take place in the University of Bordeaux from 11 to 13 October 2023. This year, the central theme is empowering students for tomorrow. 
RECORDING: Inclusive language policy and Estonian language learning are discussed and the university’s language award is presented on Mother Tongue Day
On 14 March at 13:00, all university members and language lovers are welcome to celebrate Estonia’s Mother Tongue Day in the university assembly hall.
ENLIGHT invites participants to European Dialogue
The ENLIGHT network is organising the second European Dialogue in Bilbao, Spain, from 21 to 22 May 2025, focusing on co-creation of knowledge together with the cultural and creative sectors. It is a networking event for both academic staff of the ENLIGHT universities and between the universities and enterprises.
Podcast "Rukkirääk" started its second season
"Rukkirääk" is a podcast with a 20-minute nature-themed programme on the last Tuesday of every month. The first programme of the second season will focus on the popularisation of science.
31. January 2023 cooperationculture
What Is Light? Professor Georg Friedrich Parrot’s Physics Lab
TÜ muuseumis seitsmendal korrusel saab külastada füüsikateemalist püsinäitust, kus on tegevusi nii lastele kui ka täiskasvanutele.
25. January 2023 culture