The election of student representatives lasts until 30 April

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Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesindus

The application process for student representatives has ended, and now it is time for the students of the University of Tartu to decide who will be the next student representatives. Elections started on platform on Friday, 21 April, and last until 30 April. All University of Tartu students are eligible to vote. Each student has one vote to choose an institute representative and one vote to choose a faculty representative. Candidates' descriptions are available on the candidates' page.

A total of 142 applications were submitted during the application period. All students of the University of Tartu who will continue studying at the University of Tartu in the next academic year could apply. They could run for representative in the institute that manages their curriculum and in the faculty where their institute belongs. One could run in both their institute and faculty or only one of the two.

The institute's student representative participates in the meetings of the institute council. Student representatives of the same institute form the institute's student council. The institute's student representative plays a role in improving their curriculum and has a say in the institute's development.

The faculty's student representative participates in the work of the faculty council and, together with other student representatives of the same faculty, forms the faculty's student council. All the faculty's student council members also belong to the student parliament (the highest decision-making body for UT students). The faculty's student representative comes across the university's affairs and the progress of higher education in a broader sense.

Election results will be published on UTSU's webpage on 3 May, and the newly elected representatives' mandate will last from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. Elections are organised by an electoral committee: President of the Student Body Katariina Sofia Päts (chair of the committee), Legal Counsel of the Office of Academic Affairs Martin Pärn and a member of UTSU Monitoring Committee Laura Ilottu.

Get to know the candidates

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