The Digital Cleanup Week takes place at the university from 23 to 29 January, inviting staff and students to think of the amount of digital waste they have and review their unnecessary files.
The university invites all its employees to participate in the Digital Cleanup Week from 23 to 29 January. Those who register via the web form take part in a raffle for exciting experience prizes.
Why is digital cleanup important?
Firstly, cleaning up your digital waste helps free up storage space on your smart devices and make them faster, so you can use them longer. Secondly, well-organised files and data make it easier to find and share information and increase the security of cloud services. In addition, deleting digital waste helps reduce your carbon footprint and can thus contribute to protecting the environment. Before buying more data capacity, think about whether you could remove unnecessary data instead.
Why get rid of old digital devices?
Electronic waste is the fastest-growing type of waste. In 2021, the world generated an average of 7.5 kg of e-waste per person; by 2030, the amount is estimated to have increased to 9 kg. Yet only about 20% of old electronic equipment is collected and recycled. Old electronic devices should be safely disposed of in the right place to ensure that e-waste does not pile up in your house or end up uselessly in general household waste but finds its way to recycling.
How to get rid of useless devices during Digital Cleanup Week?
From 23 to 29 January, you may bring old phones, cables, computers and other devices to the IT helpdesk specialists (IT helpdesk at Ülikooli 18a, ground floor) or the Institute of Physics (W. Ostwaldi 1, room A404). Do not put old equipment in the digital trash bins! IT helpdesk points out that if the device you bring them is in working order, it is a good idea to empty it of personal files. If you need help emptying the device, please inform the helpdesk specialist when handing over the device. If you want to bring many old devices, please inform the IT helpdesk in advance by emailing
What to do with unnecessary external data devices?
In the university’s academic buildings, special digital trash bins have been placed where you can discard memory sticks, floppy disks, CDs and DVDs, smart cards, cassettes and old video and audio tapes. The special bins are labelled and can be found in the lobbies of the study buildings at Nooruse 1, Ravila 14a, Ravila 19, W. Ostwaldi 1, Riia 23, Jakobi 2, Lossi 36, Ülikooli 18, Ülikooli 18a, Narva mnt 18, Vanemuise 46, J. Liivi 2, Lossi 3, Näituse 20 and W. Struve 1.
Where to start?
All university members can participate individually or as a team. There are no time limits, and one can spend as much time as needed on the cleanup.
Digital cleanup should start with the following steps:
Think about which documents, emails, files, etc., to declutter and delete so as not to lose important information;
Review the apps installed on your computer and phone and think whether you need all the installed, battery-consuming apps. Also, have a look at the recycle bins and the downloads folders on your devices;
Go through unread emails in your inbox, delete them and empty the Deleted Items folder.
The Information Technology Office, in cooperation with the Office of Academic Affairs, has prepared instructions to ensure that the digital cleanup runs smoothly. These instructions inform you how to clear up space on your computer, phone or Microsoft 365 environment and organise Moodle, Panopto, BigBlueButton and Mahara.