Send your holiday greetings with the university's e-card!

Tartu Ülikool

The University of Tartu's online Christmas card of 2022 was designed by Olena Solohub, Coordinator at the Johan Skytte Institute for Political Studies. Reflecting on the year 2022 that irrevocably changed our perception of the world, Olena, with her Ukrainian origin, has woven an unwavering value into her painting – the feeling of home. For her and many others, the university feels like a second home where you can always find warmth, support and peace of mind.

On the e-card, the viewer will find familiar university buildings and a friendly greeting from the mascot Tiksu. After the animation, season's greetings in Estonian and English are displayed.

You can send the e-card to colleagues and partners using the Estonian or English link: or Both links lead to the same e-card.

The musical design of the card is by Taavi-Hans Kõlar, master's student of sound and visual technology, and music student Paula Pajusaar, both from Viljandi Culture Academy. The animation was created by Oskar Aitaja and the form of sending the e-card by the developers of the mailing list platform Smaily.

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