On 29 October, the senate of the University of Tartu decided to award the University of Tartu Grand Medal, the highest recognition granted to university members, to Professor of Physical Chemistry, Academician Enn Lust. Also, recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been selected.
The senate decided to award the University of Tartu Grand Medal to Academician Enn Lust, Professor of Physical Chemistry and the leader of hydrogen technology development in Estonia, whose long-term outstanding work has contributed to promoting sustainable green energy.
At the University of Tartu, Professor Lust has developed a world-renowned laboratory for cutting-edge research in a number of topical areas of electrochemistry, for example, in the field of fuel cells and supercapacitors.
Rector Toomas Asser recognised members of the university with the University of Tartu Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu”. Individuals outside the university who have rendered great services to the university were recognused with the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation.
The rector will present the university’s honorary decorations to the laureates as soon as the virus situation allows.
All university members may make proposals for awarding an honorary decoration of the university. The proposal must include the candidate’s name and a brief justification of the nomination and can be submitted via the proposal form on the university’s website. The senate makes the decision on awarding the Grand Medal at its meeting in October. The rector decides the awarding of the Medal, the Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” immediately after the senate’s October meeting.
Further information: Tõnis Karki, University of Tartu Academic Secretary, 737 5605, 529 7917, tonis.karki [ät] ut.ee
The list of all awardees of an honorary decoration of the University of Tartu is published below.
Recipients of honorary decorations of the University of Tartu in 2021
University of Tartu Grand Medal
- Enn Lust, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Director of Institute of
University of Tartu Star of Appreciation
- Mikael Eriksson, Ambassador of Sweden to Estonia
- Väino Kaldoja, entrepreneur, founder of AuVe Tech OÜ
- Hanna Kanep, executive secretary of Universities Estonia
- Kitaoka Hajime, Ambassador of Japan to Estonia
- Ülo Kivine, CEO of Tere AS
- Madis Ligi, radio journalist, host of radio series “Behind the Six Pillars”
- Sten Luiga, chairman of supervisory board, University of Tartu Foundation,
- Mart Mägi, member of supervisory board, University of Tartu Foundation,
chairman of executive board, AS Eesti Post
- Indrek Reimand, Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education and Research,
Ministry of Education and Reseach, until 2021
- Mare Ruusalepp, Head of MTÜ Stellaarium
- Jaan Tallinn, member of supervisory board, University of Tartu Foundation,
- Tiina Teder, coordinator of the vaccination team of Tartu University Hospital
University of Tartu Medal
- Riho Altnurme, Professor of Church History, School of Theology and Religious
- Marlon Gerardo Dumas Menjivar, Professor in Information Systems, Institute of Computer Science
- Krista Fischer, Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Institute of Mathematics
and Statistics; Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Institute of
- Tiiu Jaago, Associate Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore,
Institute of Cultural Research
- Ruth Kalda, Professor of Family Medicine, Head of Institute of Family
Medicine and Public Health
- Anu Kallip, Personnel Management Specialist, Human Resources Office
- Margit Keller, Associate Professor in Social Communication, Head of Institute
of Social Studies
- Külli Kingo, Professor in Dermatology and Venereology, Institute of Clinical
- Aavo Lang, Associate Professor in Human Physiology, Institute of
Biomedicine and Translational Medicine
- Mati Laur, Professor of Modern History, Institute of History and
- Jarek Mäestu, Associate Professor in Sports Biology, Institute of Sport Sciences
and Physiotherapy
- Lauri Mälksoo, Professor of International Law, School of Law
- Vello Peedimaa, Coordinator, Estonian Marine Institute
- Helo Liis Soodla, doctoral student of Psychology
- Andres Soosaar, Visiting Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedicine and
Translational Medicine
- Tõnu-Andrus Tannberg, Professor of Estonian History, Institute of History and
- Ülle Tensing, Head of Study Abroad Centre, Office of Academic Affairs
- Tanel Tenson, Professor of Technology of Antimicrobial Compounds, Institute
of Technology
University of Tartu Badge of Distinction
- Alo Aasmäe, master’s student of Computer Science, Programmer, Institute of
Computer Science
- Kristi Abram, Associate Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Institute of
Clinical Medicine
- Kirsti Akkermann, Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology, Institute of
- Helene Alavere, Head of Data Collection Office, Institute of Genomics
- Viljo Allik, Lead Engineer, Tartu Observatory
- Anna Aret, Associate Professor in Stellar Physics, Tartu Observatory
- Stefano Braghiroli, Associate Professor of European Studies, Johan Skytte Institute
of Political Studies
- Toomas Esperk, Associate Professor in Zoology of Invertebrates, Institute of
Ecology and Earth Sciences
- Uku Haljasorg, Research Fellow of Molecular Immunology, Institute of
Biomedicine and Translational Medicine
- Airi Heinaru, Administrative Director, Head of Administrative Service,
Institute of Education
- Joosep Heinsalu, master’s student of the curriculum “Teacher of Several Subjects
in Basic School”
- Kristel Jakobson, bachelor’s graduate of Government and Politics in 2019
- Hannes Jukk, Junior Lecturer in Didactics of Mathematics, Institute of
Mathematics and Statistics
- Kaja Julge, Lecturer of Paediatric Allergology and Pulmonology, Institute of
Clinical Medicine
- Heikki Junninen, Professor in Environmental Physics, Institute of Physics
- Laur Järv, Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics
- Mikk Jürisson, Associate Professor of Public Health, Institute of Family
Medicine and Public Health
- Kristjan Kais, Lecturer in Didactics of Sport Games, Institute of Sport Sciences
and Physiotherapy
- Heili Kase, Secretary, Institute of Computer Science
- Kalle Kiiranen, Senior Specialist for Information Technology, Information
Technology Office
- Alar Kilp, Lecturer in Comparative Politics, Johan Skytte Institute of
Political Studies
- Kristjan Klauks, Project Manager, Narva College
- Ivar Koppel, Head of IT Development, Institute of Computer Science; Head
of High-Performance Computing Centre
- Kertu Liis Krigul, doctoral student of Gene Technology
- Leho Kõiv, Lecturer in Neurosurgery, Institute of Clinical Medicine
- Kariina Laas, Lecturer of Neuropsychopharmacology, Lecturer of Clinical and
Health Psychology, Institute of Psychology
- Mari Lee, Laboratory Assistant, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
- Kätlin Luhamägi, Coordinator, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
- Raili Marling, Professor of English, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
- Raimundas Matulevicius, Professor of Information Security, Institute of Computer Science
- Mait Metspalu, Professor of Evolutionary Genomics, Director, Institute of
- Egert Möller, master’s student of Materials Science and Technology; Chemist,
Institute of Chemistry
- Pille Nelis, Junior Lecturer in Educational Research, Institute of Education
- Jaak Nerut, Associate Professor in Physical and Electrochemistry, Institute
of Chemistry
- Liivo Niglas, Research Fellow in Ethnology, Institute of Cultural Research
- Marje Oona, Associate Professor in Family Medicine, Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health
- Francesco Orsi, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy, Institute of
Philosophy and Semiotics
- Carlos Pérez Carmona, Associate Professor in Macroecology, Institute of Ecology and
Earth Sciences
- Hedi Peterson, Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, Institute of Computer
- Pärtel Piirimäe, Professor of Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy and
- Jüri Plado, Associate Professor in Geophysics and Petrophysics, Institute of
Ecology and Earth Sciences
- Piia Post, Associate Professor in Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of
- Kairi Põldsaar, Senior Specialist in Geology, Institute of Ecology and Earth
- Mari Pärn, Academic Affairs Specialist, Institute of Education, Dean’s
Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences
- Svea Pärsimägi, Librarian, Library
- Ain Raal, Professor in Pharmacognosy, Head of Institute of Pharmacy
- Taivo Raud, Head of Grant Office
- Aune Rehema, Associate Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Institute of
Biomedicine and Translational Medicine
- Aivi Reimand, Academic Affairs Specialist, Institute of Cultural Research
- Tiia Rosenberg, Laboratory Assistant, Estonian Marine Institute
- Veljo Runnel, Expert, Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
- Enno Ruusalepp, Senior Engineer, Tartu Observatory
- Andra Siibak, Professor in Media Studies, Institute of Social Studies
- Marianne Soots, Junior Lecturer in Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Dentistry
- Joosep Susi, doctoral student of Literature and Cultural Research
- Elo Süld, Lecturer in Islamic Studies, School of Theology and Religious
Studies; Head of Asia Centre
- Eva Žusinaite, Associate Professor of Virology, Institute of Technology
- Ülle Talvik, Engineer, Estonian Marine Institute
- Kairi Terreping, Senior Specialist in Academic Affairs, Dean’s Office of Faculty
of Science and Technology
- Hedi-Liis Toome, Lecturer in Theatre Research, Institute of Cultural Research
- Szilárd Tibor Tóth, Junior Lecturer in Estonian Language, Narva College
- Maris Tuuling, Collection Holder, Museum
- Kadri Ukrainski, Professor in Research and Innovation Policy, Head of School of
Economics and Business Administration
- Evelyn Uuemaa, Associate Professor in Geoinformatics, Institute of Ecology and
Earth Sciences
- Ann Veismann, Lecturer in Estonian and General Linguistics, Institute of
Estonian and General Linguistics; Graduate Schools Project
Manager, Dean’s Office of Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Raul Vicente Zafra, Professor of Data Science, Institute of Computer Science
- Raili Vilt, Methodologist, Youth Academy
- Triinu Visnapuu, Associate Professor in Microbiology, Institute of Molecular and
Cell Biology
- Maarja Öpik, Professor in Molecular Ecology, Institute of Ecology and Earth
Decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu”
- Vladimir Hižnjakov, Institute of Physics
- Heljo Kaima, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
- Leili Kriis, Museum
- Ene Leius, Institute of History and Archaeology
- Vambola, Leping Institute of Computer Science
- Riina Mahlapuu, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine
- Raivo Masso, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine
- Mati Martin, Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
- Raul Narits, School of Law
- Peeter Paris, Institute of Physics
- Gerda-Johanna, Raidaru Institute of Chemistry
- Tiina Randlane, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
- Elle Roosaluste, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
- Hille Roots, Institute of Cultural Research
- Taavo Seedre, Institute of Dentistry
- Mart Ustav, Institute of Technology

Honorary decorations of the University of Tartu. Photos by Andres Tennus, visuals by Maarja Roosi.
Sandra Sommer
Press Adviser
+372 737 5681
+372 5307 7820