What do we offer to our employees?

The main value of our university is smart and educated people! That's why it is important to involve our members in the achievement of common goals, offer our staff opportunities to use their best potential, and smartly develop infrastructure.

  • We pay sickness benefit to the university employees from the second to the eight calendar day in the amount of 100% of the employees’ average salary.
  • We support the promotion of employees’ health: we reimburse participation fees in public sports events, expenses directly related to regular use of sporting or mobility venues, and expenses made for the services of a rehabilitation therapist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, clinical speech therapist, or clinical psychologist.
  • Employees are granted up to three additional days’ paid leave per year, for example: to improve health and prevent illnesses; in the event when the employees’ child starts school, etc.
  • The rector gives extra days off where it is possible.
  • The annual holiday for academic staff is 42 or 56 calendar days per year. The annual holiday for support stuff is 35 calendar days per year and for managers 42 calendar days per year.
  • Our employees have the opportunity to contact a Counsellor-Chaplain if they have problems in their working life.
  • We organise mental health conferences and training where all employees who care about their own and colleagues' good mental health and well-being are welcome to participate.
  • In-service training - we organise about 300 in-service training sessions per year for our employees. In 2021, more than 4,000 people participated in in-service training that is free of charge for our staff. The training topics are very different. Most popular are language courses, and courses of assertiveness, mental health, managing conflicts, info technology, coping with changes, strategical planning, etc. The university’s Centre for Professional Development supports the Estonian language studies of international staff and offers foreign nationals employed by the university and their family members (partner/husband/wife) an opportunity to take part in Estonian language courses.
  • External training is possible depending on the resources of the structural unit.
  • A leadership development programme is offered for new/inexperienced managers, experienced managers who would like to develop some skills, or someone who is not working as a manager but would like to develop themselves. The leadership development programme started in 2018, and total, 43 UT employees have completed it. In 2022, we will start the fourth leadership development programme.
  • Covision groups provide a possibility to support each other for employees who have similar positions or roles at work. Participating in covision groups offers collegial support, inspiration, and solutions for work problems. It offers an opportunity to learn from others’ success stories and experiences.
  • 360° feedback survey for managers was organised for the first time in 2021. The purpose is to support the self-analysis and development of managers and give feedback from colleagues and partners to understand their expectations and needs better. This programme also helps to determine managers' strengths and development needs.
  • We offer various opportunities to develop teaching skills. Read more.
Arutelu konverentsil

We have created a recognition system to recognise univeristy's members and prominent public figures for their outstanding deeds and achievements.

We recognise people with:

  • letter of appreciation;
  • honorary decorations, which are the University of Tartu Grand Medal, the University of Tartu Medal, the University of Tartu Badge of Distinction, and 100 Semesters at the University of Tartu;
  • the award “Contribution to Estonian National Identity”;
  • the grant of an honorary doctorate of the University of Tartu;
  • the grant of an honorary fellowship of the University of Tartu;
  • the award “Pillar of the University”.

The reason to award people with the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” is to recognise their commitment and loyalty to the organisation. The decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” is awarded to a person who has been related to the university for at least 50 years in total.

The decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” has already been given 120 people!

Read more about recognition.

Also, the University of Tartu gives out annual awards:

  • the University of Tartu contribution to society award;
  • the University of Tartu research award;
  • the University of Tartu language award;
  • the University of Tartu teaching staff of the year award.

Read more about annual awards.

Roosid Tartu Ülikooli aulas.
  • We work remotely, if possible and necessary, and we are flexible during working hours.
  • The University of Tartu buildings are of historical value as well as new innovative centers.
  • We are located in Tartu, Tallinn, Pärnu, Narva, and Viljandi.
  • We continue to pay salary during the training to all employees for whom it is mandatory to participate in the reservist training.
  • The employees have the opportunity to share their thoughts about different subjects about the university's development, they could participate in the decision-making body, contribute to the work of different committees, participate in seminars related to the development of the university.
Lossi 36 maja sügisene droonifoto
  • Academic year opening ceremony.
  • Anniversary of the national university.
  • Ceremony to award people with honorary decorations.
  • Rector’s New Year banquet.
  • Concert and ceremonial meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia
  • Inaugural lectures.
  • Alumni reunions.
  • Rector`s Cup Golf Tournament.
  • Orienteering month in the spring and autumn to all employees, students, alumni, families, and everyone else. It brings together new knowledge and spending time in the fresh air.
  • Hobby training for ball games. All the employees are welcome to University of Tartu Academic Sports Club to play different ball games, it could be badminton, basketball, or volleyball.
  • Events and seminars for foreign employees, e.g., different culture nights, gingerbread makings, excursions, etc.
    • Welcome Seminar - The seminar titled “Getting Started at the University of Tartu” aims to provide useful information on topics such as UT´s academic life, how to improve your teaching skills, employment contracts, taxes, salary system, vacation, health insurance, training possibilities, mobility opportunities, as well as social events for international staff and their family members. You will also get practical tips on how to use the University Intranet. Partners are welcome to join.

    • Wellbeing club “Live Positive Club for international staff members” - The club aims to help international staff feel at home at the University of Tartu and in Estonia. The meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday every month.

    • Annual Rector’s reception for international staff - The Rector of the University of Tartu greets all international staff, doctoral students and their families in the beginning of the academic year at a reception at the University of Tartu Art Museum.

    • Culture evenings "Tartu-rich in cultures" - Human Resources Office of the University of Tartu and Tartu Nature House warmly invite you to take part in the event series titled "Tartu - Rich in Cultures". Culture evenings showcase worldview, traditions, art, and nature of people living in a certain country or region. Seminars are held in Tartu Nature House (Lille 10) from October till May.

Tartu Ülikooli tõrvikurongkäik

The University of Tartu employees are offered discounts by various merchants:

  • restaurants;
  • health and leisure services companies (including sports clubs and visiting UT museums are free of charge to our employees)
  • hotels;
  • travel agencies;
  • transport;
  • banks;
  • other services.
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