Topic: sport

Come and watch the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team’s home games!
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team.
27. December 2022 sport
Come and watch the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team’s home games!
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team.
27. December 2022 sport
Come and watch the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team’s home games!
Tartu Ülikooli Akadeemiline Spordiklubi kutsub nii Tartu Ülikooli töötajaid kui ka üliõpilasi kaasa elama Tartu Ülikool Maks & Mooritsa korvpallimeeskonna detsembri- ja jaanuarikuistele mängudele.
27. December 2022 sport
The orienteering course will be open until 12 June
This year the university’s orienteering month is dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the University of Tartu Library.
03. May 2022 sport