Reedel, 24. märtsil kell 19.00 kohtub Tartu Ülikool Maks & Mooritsa korvpallimeeskond Eesti-Läti liiga veerandfinaalseeria avamängus BK Ventspilsiga.
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in February.
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in February.
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in February.
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in February.
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team.
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team.
The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team.