Topic: culture

Exhibition from painting students from Pallas University of Applied Sciences in the atrium of Omicum
From 26.09.2022, the Omicum atrium holds a new art exhibition: the works of the students of the painting department from Pallas University of Applied Sciences and also paintings by Margus Meinart, hea
29. September 2022 culture
Permanent exhibition "Earth. Life. Story"
The permanent exhibition takes you on a journey through the evolution of Earth's living and non-living nature, from the birth of the Universe to today's natural diversity.
06. December 2022 culture
Autumn festival helps students settle in
This week, the city will be bustling with the Tartu Student Days Autumn Festival, which has become a much-loved event over the past 35 years.
26. September 2022 culture
12. September 2022 culture
Online concert “The Four Seasons in (Climate) Change”
The ENLIGHT network invites to an online concert that will premiere this Friday, 9 September, at 20:30.
08. September 2022 culture
Students celebrate the Spring Festival again
Read the programme of the students’ Spring Festival on  
22. April 2022 culture
Concert celebrating the 180th anniversary of Franz Liszt’s performance in Tartu
30. märtsil möödub 180 aastat kuulsa pianisti Franz Liszti esinemisest Tartu Ülikooli aulas. Seda sündmust tähistatakse 30. märtsil kell 18.00 piduliku klaverigalaga samas kontserdipaigas.
21. March 2022 culture
University of Tartu celebrates Juri Lotman 100
Monday, 28 February marks 100 years since the birth of Juri Lotman, world-renowned semiotician, literary scholar and cultural historian.
25. February 2022 culture