Online concert “The Four Seasons in (Climate) Change”


The ENLIGHT network invites to an online concert that will premiere this Friday, 9 September, at 20:30. Inspired by current and projected climate data and already visible consequences, Antonio Vivaldi's work "The Four Seasons" was reinterpreted by the composer Mark Barden (Detmold University of Music). Scientific insights were provided by Prof. Alexander Knohl (Bioclimatology, University of Göttingen) and researchers from the Basque Country, Ghent and Uppsala.

The new composition "The Four Seasons in (Climate) Change" will be presented in cooperation with the Göttingen Baroque Orchestra. Between the four concert movements, Alexander Knohl and his colleagues will explain the influence of climate change on the seasons. Mark Barden and his composition team will provide a general explanation of how the scientific findings on climate change were considered in the development of the new composition.

The conversation concert will be livestreamed on YouTube.

More information and the programme are published on the website of the University of Göttingen.

Further information:
Tiina Jaksman
ENLIGHT Project Manager
International Cooperation and Protocol Office
737 6167
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