What is important to us?

We are an innovative organisation focused on sustainable development, providing equal opportunities and following best practices. We move towards a more open, environmentally aware and cooperationminded organisational culture. We increase the opportunities of the members of the university to develop and use their potential in the best manner, carrying the values of the university and taking pride in the university and their participation in the everyday life and development of the university.

What do our people value about working at university?

Our employees' feedback is very important, we ask the input once a year, and after that, we make a summary and conclusions.


Of the employees think that their job is interesting


Of the employees are proud that they are working at the University of Tartu


Of the employees feel that their colleagues support them

Our organisation is various

Number of employees 3939
incl. women 2280
% of women 58%
incl. men 1659
% of men 42%

Data as of the end of 2021.

Number of academic staff 2130
% of academic staff 53%
incl. women 1063
% of women in academic staff 50%
incl. men 1067
% of men in academic staff 50%

Data as of the end of 2021.

Number of support staff (incl. managers) 1854
% of support staff 47%
incl. women 1247
% of women in support staff 67%
incl. men 607
% of men in support staff 33%

Data as of the end of 2021.

Number of international staff 470
% of all the staff 12%
different countries 75
international employees of academic staff 375
% of academic staff 18%
international employees of support staff 96
% of support staff 5%

Data as of the end of 2021.

The average age of the employees 45
the oldest 92
the youngest 18

Data as of the end of 2021.

Number of the employees holding a PhD 1594
% of the employees holding a PhD 40%
number of academic staff holding a PhD 1469
% of academic staff holding a PhD 69%
number of support staff holding a PhD 152
% of support staff holding a PhD 8%

Data as of the end of 2021.

Do you have the same core values that our university has?

Arengukava ikoon

Research-based activities that make us think critically, search for connections, pursue the truth and solve problems. Research-based activities are the criterion for professionalism in everything we do.

Arengukava ikoon

The academic freedom and autonomy of the university through which we creatively and devotedly implement our mission.

Arengukava ikoon

Openness to new ideas and in relations with the society. We rely on our traditions but are always open to innovate and contribute to positive changes in the university and the world around us.

Arengukava ikoon

Cooperation between people, institutions and research areas in the university, in Estonia and at the international level. We use new knowledge arising from cooperation for the benefit of the society in the most responsible manner.

Arengukava ikoon

A human-centred approach and individual development. Smart and educated people constitute the most valuable assets to the university and Estonia. We value the people who work and study at the university and create the best conditions for their development and selfrealisation as well as an inspiring work and study environment.

Arengukava ikoon

Responsibility. We realise the impact of our acts and omissions in the society and within the university. Our words and actions are filled with responsibility for the past, present and future.

Good practices and equal treatment at the university

At the University of Tartu, we have created good practices for teaching, learning, leadership, and compiled guidelines for equal treatment.

Good practices
  • Good practice of teaching
  • Good practice of learning
  • Good practice of doctoral studies
  • Good practices of giving feedback
  • Research integrity
  • Leadership
  • Preventing corruption risks

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Equal treatment

University of Tartu is a diverse organisation where different people around the world meet. University’s main resource is these people, students and employees, whose wellbeing is important and to whom the university must ensure good working and learning conditions and protection from unfair and unequal treatment. To raise awareness about equal treatment, ensure that employees and students are protected against discrimination and to promote equality, we have compiled guidelines for equal treatment.

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Where are we going?

As a national university of Estonia, we bear responsibility for tackling challenges faced by the society, acting as a pioneer of the knowledge-based economy and promoting the attitude of lifelong learning and future skills.

Strategic plan 2021-2025

International National University
We preserve and develop the Estonian language and culture in the conditions of continuing globalisation and ensure the possibility to obtain research-based Estonian-language education in Estonia. To be successful in international competition, we offer attractive working and learning opportunities, also by cooperating with partner institutions, and thereby increase the effectiveness of teaching and research at the university.
To ensure our students cope successfully in an increasingly developing technology-rich living and work environment, we provide opportunities for self-development and obtaining the required future skills. The changing nature of work and ways of performing work require the repeated acquisition of new skills and, thus, we create opportunities to study at the university, regardless of the time, place and living arrangements of people. In a situation where talented people can easily find self-realisation opportunities all over the world, we provide them with the best opportunities for self-development in Estonia, connecting them with the university as early as during general education or when making a decision to pursue an academic career.
Üliõpilane Tartu Ülikooli laboris
To ensure the sustainability of top-level research and meet the research and development needs of Estonia, we create conditions that support the sectoral diversity of scientific research and cooperation and we actively apply for funds required for that. The efficient resolution of the problems of the society presumes the development of the research-based world view of the members of the society and, thus, we participate in an open discussion and cooperate with the public sector in implementing studies on major challenges in the society and in providing evidence-based solutions to develop state policy areas. We develop research areas that are important for Estonian businesses, favouring cooperation between top researchers and businesses and the development of start-ups.
Tartu Ülikooli Narva kolledž
To successfully cope with constant changes in the external environment, as an international organisation with members of diverse cultural backgrounds, we proceed from the common values, involving our members in the achievement of common goals, offering our staff opportunities to use their best potential and smartly developing infrastructure. We cooperate with the state and local authorities to prevent the increasing of regional inequality, making higher education and knowledge transfer available to different Estonian regions.
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