Renna Nelis

University of Tartu Move Lab won an international award for Schools in Motion

At the International Sport and Culture Association’s annual MOVE congress on 15–17 November, the Move Lab of the Institute of Sports Science and Physiotherapy, with its Schools in Motion programme, was selected as the winner in the health-promoting schools category.

Tartu Ülikooli "Liikuma Kutsuv Kool"
(author: Renna Nelis)

According to Merike Kull, Head of the University of Tartu Move Lab and Associate Professor in Health Education, this is a great recognition primarily to the Estonian schools participating in the programme. “We are delighted that physical activity is increasingly more a natural part of the school day and brings so much joy of learning, physical activity and school,” she said. The programme aims to help schools make everyday learning and the school environment more supportive of physical activity.

The winner of the health-promoting schools award was selected from 55 projects. Other finalists alongside the Schools in Motion were health promotion projects from the United Kingdom and Kenya. At the awards ceremony, Lego trophies were handed to Associate Professor Merike Kull, the developers and trainers of the “Schools in Motion” programme Maarja Park and Katrin Mägi, Research Fellow in Kinanthropometry Evelin Mäestu, and Project Manager Riina Järvela.

Currently, 206 Estonian schools, i.e. 40% of all general education schools, have joined the Schools in Motion programme. The programme is based on international research, the research and development conducted at the University of Tartu Move Lab, and the experience of the participating schools.

The Schools in Motion programme is implemented from 2020 to 2023 within the project “Increasing physical activity of schoolchildren”, funded by the European Economic Area and Norway grants 2014–2021 programme “Local development and reduction of poverty”.

Read more about the Move Lab’s activities and the Schools in Motion programme.

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