Reorganisation of the work at the university as of 16 March 2020

Constantly updated information in Estonian is available at and in English at


Teaching and studies. Office of Academic Affairs


  • Read recommendations for replacing face-to-face classes with e-learning.
  • From 16 March we work from home and only come to the university premises when absolutely needed.
  • We ensure that the services of the Office of Academic Affairs are provided as effectively as possible via digital channels.
  • Office phones are redirected to mobile phones and meetings are held using remote working tools.
  • Students are counselled by phone, via e-mail and Skype (Counselling Centre).
  • We issue documents and certificates on paper by appointment with at least one workday’s notice. Contact: Sirli Klaos, Academic Affairs Specialist, Degree Studies and Quality Assurance Unit, University of Tartu, 737 6305,
  • Documents are digitally signed and approved as usual. If documents on paper need to be signed, it must be previously agreed with the head of office by phone or e-mail.
  • It will be decided by 1 May whether or when the academic aptitude test takes place. The test will be conducted as a compulsory exam for psychology and dentistry on 6 July (
  • Activities of the UT Third Age University have been suspended.
  • Continuing education programmes (ecxl. online courses) planned to take place in March have been cancelled or postponed.
  • The UT Tallinn Week has been postponed.
  • Decisions regarding the International Summer University programmes are made by 15 May.

Important contacts:

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  • The library is closed for visitors from 14 March.
  • Its doors in Akadeemia and W. Struve street are locked. Entry by access card or by calling the security guard at 737 5708 or 5887 7018.
  • Library staff have switched fully or partially to distance work, and are available mainly by electronic means and phone.
    • Employees who cannot perform their duties while working remotely may work in the library if their seats are at least one metre apart. Gloves must be worn when processing items.
    • The management and administrative staff work individually, to avoid contact, and according to their work plans. The cleaning service provider is required to pay more attention to disinfection and heavy cleaning.
    • Office phones are redirected to mobile phones.
  • Regular tenants at W. Struve 1 (Estonian Academy of Sciences, UT Press) are ensured access to their rental spaces.
  • To prevent the spread of the virus, books cannot be borrowed or returned at the library.
    • No fine for overdue books is calculated from 16 March to 1 May. All return deadlines are extended to 4 May. Readers have been notified.
    • All the subscribed general and subject databases, incl. materials from DSpace repository, e-varamu, etc. are available for students, teaching staff and employees.
    • Readers’ questions are answered on information line 737 5772 on weekdays 9–17.
    • Information requests should be sent to;;
    • The possibility to borrow books at Struve 1 will be established as soon as safety from infection can be ensured.
  • All online courses offered by the library will continue as planned.
  • The library provides, as much as possible, digitisation services ordered through electronic channels, based on the current price list. The EOD request form is available on the library website. When the library fulfils the orders, preference is given to study-related materials ordered by a head of institute or programme director.
  • The events of the library and organised by the library that were planned until 1 May have been cancelled or postponed. Decisions regarding events that are planned to take place after 1 May will be made on the basis of the Emergency Act.
  • Documents are managed and signed electronically.
  • Library meetings and appointments are postponed or organised by electronic means, e.g. via Skype.
  • At the end of each working week, the management of the library evaluates the current situation and informs employees of any changes to be made in the following week.
  • The library’s utility systems (heating, ventilation) are switched to a lower operating mode. More disinfection is used in the building, while general cleaning is reduced.


Personnel work and Human Resources Office


  • Human resources services are provided. Some employees of the office are working from home, some are in the office. The need for operational meetings is decided on a case-by-case basis and all possible arrangements will be made through Teams or other electronic channels.
  • All training courses planned to take place in April will be reorganised to online courses or video bridging, or postponed until autumn. Those registered for the courses will be notified by e-mail.


Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation


The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation continues work as usual, all services are provided. All employees work remotely. We are available by phone, via e-mail and other distance working tools.

Due to the reorganisation of studies and research we have postponed the application deadline for the experimental development grant to 31 March


Grant Office


Due to coronavirus spread, numerous events, meetings and business trips have been cancelled. The costs of such events or trips may already have been paid using various funding measures.

The Grant Office has gathered information in which cases the costs of programmes and projects under main funding instruments are eligible for reimbursement. This information has been published on the university’s Intranet.

  • The Grant Office uses remote working.
  • We ensure that services are provided as usual through the use of digital channels.
  • Funding applications, contracts and reports are digitally signed as usual.
  • If you need to have paper documents signed for external financers, please agree an appointment with the coordinator of the respective funding instrument.


Information Technology Office


  • Read about the organisation of work in Information Technology Office (ITO) during the emergency situation.
  • ITO operational information is also available.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about distance work can be found here.


Finance Office


From 16 March the Finance Office will reorganise their daily work but still observes the objective to ensure the continuous provision of accounting services to the university. The following changes are made:

  • the front door of the Finance Office building at Jakobi 4 is locked;
  • all cash payments have been suspended (tuition fees can be paid in cash at the Coop Bank office at Ülikooli 4, on the basis of an invoice and student card);
  • employees of the office are partly transferred to distance work.

To protect employees from coronavirus infection and prevent the spread of the virus, the Finance Office processes documents only electronically from 16 March. Documents for which there are no electronic workflows yet are submitted with digital signature and registered in DMS (remember to route the documents to Finance Office)

We ask all units to arrange cash payments through banks, sending the payers and institutions who use cash settlements directly to bank offices.
In case of problems or questions, please contact Finance Office employees by e-mail or phone


University buildings and Estates Office


From Monday, 16 March, all university buildings are closed for the public, i.e. access to the buildings are granted with the UT employee ID card only. The building at Ujula 4 and Narva College are closed completely.

  • In-house Security Service continues work as usual, excl. the administrator of surveillance and access systems, who continues work but will not receive people, and the security systems specialist, who is asked to work from home, if possible (provided he is readily available and has response capacity).
  • Facility Management Service continues work as usual, excl. cloakroom attendants who will stay home until studies resume in academic buildings (retaining the salary). No events are held in the university assembly hall. From the beginning of the week, a superintendent (for Biomeedikum and Physicum) is in quarantine and is substituted by the superintendent of Chemicum.
  • Analysis and Accounting Service employees are asked to work from home, if possible, starting this week. The same applies to the specialist for physical security systems and specialist for radiation safety of the Facility Management Service.
  • Institutional Development Service will decide on its work organisation in the week starting on 16 March.
  • Office phones are redirected to mobile phones. Calls and e-mails are replied as usual. It is important to ensure that the work of Estates Office would continue. This organisation of work will remain in force until further notice.


Communication and Marketing


  • The central information flow is continuously updated.
  • Recommendations have been made to all employees of the unit to prefer distance working and not to come to the office. Working in the office is permitted if absolutely necessary.
  • Employees have been instructed to be available by phone and e-mail. Meetings are conducted in Teams. Generally, the team continues usual activities.
  • Changes are the following:
    • The University of Tartu Day in Narva, planned to take place on 2 April (information fair introducing the university, practical workshops and conference), has been postponed to mid-May: 12 or 15 May, to be decided by 20 April. The possible alternative could be a virtual event. At least three weeks are needed for preparations.
    • Seminars of the mentoring programme will be postponed and at least part of them cancelled. We notify the participants through online channels.
    • The student shadowing project has been suspended until the end of distance learning.
    • Plans for the Rector’s Cup Golf Tournament remain on hold until the end of the emergency situation.
    • Concerning the April issue of the UT Magazine, it could be published online only, or in a small circulation for subscribers only.
    • The employees’ information needs survey, planned by internal communication team, will be postponed.

Important contacts:

  • Peeter Liik, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer (general organisation of work, matters concerning the entire unit), 5554 8206,
  • Viivika Eljand-Kärp, acting Head of Communications and Senior Specialist for Internal Communication (issues concerning Communication Unit), 5354 0689,
  • Piret Normet, Head of Marketing (issues concerning Marketing Unit),
  • Helika Mäekivi, Estonian Language Counsellor and representative of the Language Team (copy-editing and translation matters), 737 6568,


International Cooperation Unit


International communication and organisation of events have changed. The division of work has remained the same. Employees of the unit work remotely.

  • Office phones are redirected to mobile phones.
  • We ensure replying to e-mails and the availability of other services via digital means.
  • We conduct e-meetings, if necessary, via Teams or other solutions (Skype, Starleaf).
  • Documents are signed digitally as usual.

Important contacts:

  • Kristi Kerge, Head of International Cooperation (general matters, The Guild, U4Society, LERU), 529 7677,
  • Kadri Asmer, Senior Specialist for International Cooperation (researcher exchange, contracts), 529 9994,
  • Kady Sõstar, Senior Specialist for Protocol (giving recognition, organisation of events), 511 9188,
  • Karoliina Vilimaa-Pennarun, Senior Specialist for International Cooperation (Erasmus+ Global Mobility), 5345 2565,
  • Kristel Pedassaar, Senior Specialist for International Cooperation (conferences, travel services), 504 7716,
  • Lauri Randveer, Senior Specialist for International Cooperation (rankings, Academica, Int.Coop. background memos), 512 9996,
  • Sirje Üprus, Head of International Protocol (guests, Coimbra network), 509 7117,

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University of Tartu Press


  • As the university buildings are closed for visitors, no book sales or receipt or delivery of orders is conducted in the UT Press. Orders are received and customer communication continues through the online shop, by phone and e-mail.
  • Most of the employees of the office in W. Struve street do distance work (publishing of academic publications continues as usual), people who work with orders continue working in the rooms of the unit, depending on orders.
  • The team in Lossi street continues work depending on orders (considerably decreased), and will assist, if possible, with the design and layout of academic publications that continue as usual.
  • Employees are reachable by phone and via e-mail and come to the rooms of the UT Press to complete orders, if necessary.




Work continues as usual; simple and public procurements are organised via the public procurement register as online procedures. The Office works from homes, we are available by phone, via e-mail and Teams. Meetings are held if necessary.

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Documentary procedure and Administrative Office


  • The university’s internal mail is now delivered once a week on Mondays. We ask all units to send any urgent documents to other units electronically, via DMS or e-mail.
  • DMS user support is provided and workflows are developed remotely. Employees are available by phone, via e-mail and Teams.
  • Legal advice is available by phone, via e-mail and Teams.
  • The university archive continues operation, mostly by working remotely. The archives are closed for researchers and visitors until 1 May. On Thursdays, the chief archivist has reception hours in the main building, if necessary. Please make an appointment.
  • Drivers of the Rector’s Office can offer their services, if necessary.

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University of Tartu Museum


  • All services, incl. visting the collections in the three exhibition places of the museum have been suspended until 1 May (or until further notice). Users of the collections are directed to use the museums’ information system MUIS.
  • The museum team prefers distance work during emergency situation and, if necessary, tasks are reorganised. Museum staff can be contacted via e-mail; e-mails are replied within one day on weekdays.
  • All events, educational programmes and tours have been cancelled. We review the bookings at the beginning of each week depending on whether the emergency situation persists or is extended.
  • We will contact those who have booked rooms for dates in the period of emergency, and cancel all bookings until 1 May. New bookings can be confirmed based on current information when the museum will be opened for visitors again.
  • We provide practical training to trainees remotely or make a two-week break in the training. Each supervisor will notify their trainees and agree about it separately.

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Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden


  • The exhibition in the Natural History Museum and the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden are closed for visitors since 13 March. All public events, hobby groups and educational programmes for schools are cancelled. We will contact the groups and cancel the bookings. The outdoor collections in the Botanical Garden will remain open for visitors, but we do not advertise it. The Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden will be closed until 1 May or until the end of the emergency situation.
  • Heads of work organisation units will assess the risks and organise work in their units so as to reduce contacts between employees and prevent the risk of infection. It is not recommended to visit collections. If you need to visit the collections, the visit must definitely be agreed upon with the head of collections first.
  • Due to the heightened risk of disease, we ask administrators, guides and teachers to stay home for two weeks. Work is reorganised if possible. Employees of the Department of Exhibitions and Nature Education are asked to work from home, if possible.
  • The IT team will work remotely and is available from home. Meetings are held via the internet.

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Internal Audit and Data Protection


Employees work from home and are available by phone, via e-mail and Teams.


Narva College


The building of Narva College is closed.


Pärnu College


Pärnu College and its library are closed for students and visitors until 1 March 2020.


Student Union


Students are represented using electronic channels. We are available by e-mail, and can be contacted on social media: We keep an eye on the events and liaise with the university leaders to provide our perspective on students’ issues.

Apply for the ISIC on the website


Youth Academy


Youth Academy employees may work from home and they answer e-mails as usual; office phones have been redirected to mobile phones.

The online courses of the Youth Academy take place as usual.

  • The final rounds of the Olympiads, planned in March, have been postponed. Information on April and May is being updated.
  • The programmes of workshops and the Investigation Lab have been postponed - first until the end of March, when we analyse the situation again.
  • Other national student competitions have also been postponed.
  • Student visits, fairs and other gatherings have been cancelled.


Tartu Student Club


Tartu Student Club switched to distance working on 16 March. The Student Club is open and at least one employee is present there every day. Culture collectives are informed of the new situation. All cultural events planned for March and April are cancelled or take place in the autumn semester.


Academic Sports Club


  • The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club restricts the participation of athletes and coaches in international competitions until the end of April. Day-to-day training programmes will continue.
  • International competitions or events planned to take place in the UT Sports Hall will be cancelled until the end of May.
  • Training and Estonian competitions are held until the Health Board, the City of Tartu or the Government has not issed new directives.
  • Starting today, a two-week ban from training is imposed to all athletes and coaches who arrive from other countries. They have to stay at home for two weeks.
  • We will take a creative approach to sports activities.
  • Coaches together with sports managers will send parents a recommended exercise and training plan for children.
  • Sports managers in cooperation with elite coaches will work out a solution for athletes’ activities during emergency situation. NB! Rowers have been granted an individual permission.
  • The manager and coaches of the fitness club will send their clients a recommended training plan to be followed at home.
  • Activities of the representative teams have been suspended.
  • Student sport event will be cancelled until 31 May, further decisions will be made as needed in cooperation with the EASL and TÜSE.
  • All events taking place in or organised by the Sports Club that were planned until 31 May are cancelled or postponed.

Organisation of work

  • All sports club staff have fully or partly switched to distance work. Communication is mainly by e-mail and phone. Office phones are redirected to mobile phones.
  • Office staff who cannot perform some of their duties at home may work in the office, if necessary.
  • Maintenance staff (cleaners, maintenance workers, caretakers) work individually, avoiding contact, according to their work schedule. Cleaning staff will pay more attention to desinfection and heavy cleaning.
  • UT Sports Hall and the stadium are fully closed until 30 March. Further activities will be decided on a rolling basis, according to the guidelines of the Health Board and the Government of Estonia.
  • The regular tenants of Ujula 4 (Estonian Academic Sports Federation, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic, OÜ Füsiovisioon, Stopper) will have access to their rental spaces.
  • Documents are managed and signed electronically.
  • Meetings and appointments are postponed or held via electronic means, e.g. Skype.
  • At the end of each working week, the management board of the sports club assesses the current situation and if necessary, informs employees of any changes in the following week.

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities


From 16 March we switch over to partial distance working and of possible, work from home. The Dean’s Office is open and there is at least one employee every day to ensure mail is delivered and received. Office phones are redirected to mobile phones. Students are advised via e-mail and by phone. We issue digital certificates and transcripts. We have informed students of this procedure.

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Faculty of Social Sciences


The Dean’s Office works from home.

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Faculty of Medicine


The Dean’s Office works from home. Office phones have been redirected to mobile phones and e-mails are replied as usual.


Faculty of Science and Technology


We work from homes. All employees are available by mobile phone and via e-mail.


Tartu Student Village


Student Village office remains closed as long as required. Customer service at Raatuse 22 is available all day, every day. Hall managers and maintenance staff do work that does not require contact with customers. In rooms we perform urgent repairs only. Most of the office staff works from home. The Student Village contact information and operations have not changed.

Short-term tenants

  • Student Hostel tenants who would like to leave the hostel in March can terminate their contract as of 31 March. (Leaving the hostel is not compulsory.) Settlement against the prepaid deposit is made as of 31 March and the remaining balance will be returned to the tenant’s bank account within 20 working days after the termination of the contract. If you want to terminate your contract, please inform us by e-mail to
  • Due to the spread of the viruses, we urge you to observe the Internal Rules of Tartu Student Village, not to receive guests and not to organise gatherings or meetings.
  • We expect all tenants to act responsibly and comply with all national guidelines during emergency situation.

Degree-seeking students

  • If tenants inform us by 22 March that they want to terminate their contract, their housing contract will be extraordinarily terminated immediately if the keys have been returned. It is not compulsory to terminate the housing contract – everyone who wants to may stay in the residence hall. If you want to extraordinarily terminate your contract, please inform us by e-mail to
  • Due to the spread of the viruses, we urge you to observe the Internal Rules of Tartu Student Village, not to receive guests and not to organise gatherings or meetings.
  • We expect all tenants to act responsibly and comply with all national guidelines during emergency situation. [/collapsed]

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