Andres Tennus

Recipients of honorary decorations of the University of Tartu announced

On 27 October, the University of  Tartu senate decided to award the Johan Skytte medal to Margit Sutrop, member of the Riigikogu and Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Tartu. The highest award granted to university members, the University of Tartu Grand Medal, is given to two university researchers for services of particular value. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been selected.

The Johan Skytte medal is awarded to a statesperson or public figure who, in the opinion of the University of Tartu senate, has contributed significantly to the development of the University of Tartu and higher education in Estonia in recent years. This award was granted to member of the Riigikogu, Professor Margit Sutrop, who has been actively involved in the work of the university’s committees, the senate, the council and her faculty over the years. She has helped bring the University of Tartu to a leading position in the field of practical ethics. Margit Sutrop has led public debate on this topic, both at the level of general and higher education and in museums, medical institutions, defence and elsewhere.

“We are very grateful to Margit Sutrop for defending the interests of students and standing up for the quality of higher education and research funding in society," added Toomas Asser, Rector of the University of Tartu.

The senate decided to award the University of Tartu Grand Medal for services of particular value to Kristjan Vassil, Professor of Technology Research and vice rector for research 2017–2023, and Jaak Vilo, Professor of Bioinformatics and member of the Estonian Academy of Science.

Professor Kristjan Vassil has made a significant contribution to bringing the university’s governance to a new level. Among other things, he helped achieve the agreement on increasing research funding to 1% of the GDP and has stood up for science-based governance at critical times. As the university’s vice rector for research, Vassil led the doctoral reform and helped organise the structural and governance reform at Tartu University Hospital.

Professor Jaak Vilo was the head of the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science for 12 years. During this period, the scientific level and teaching volume of computer science at the university increased. Today, the Institute of Computer Science is the university’s largest in terms of the number of students and an attractive cooperation partner in Estonia and internationally. Vilo has worked with dedication for the continued development of the university and research in Estonia.

Rector Toomas Asser recognised university members with the University of Tartu Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu”. Non-university individuals who have rendered considerable services to the university were honoured with the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation. The list of all recipients of the honorary decorations is published below.

The rector will present the university’s honorary decorations to the recipients at a ceremony on 24 November at 16:00. 

All university members may nominate candidates for the honorary decorations of the University of Tartu. They must submit the candidate’s name and a brief statement of reasons for the nomination on the university’s website. As of today, the university also has a constantly updated register of awards and recognition on its website. The senate makes the decision on awarding the Grand Medal at its meeting in October; the rector decides the awarding of the Medal, the Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” immediately after the senate meeting.


Recipients of University of Tartu honorary decorations in 2023 


The Johan Skytte medal

  • Margit Sutrop, Professor of Practical Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics

University of Tartu Grand Medal

  • Kristjan Vassil, Vice Rector for Research 2017–2023, Professor of Technology Research, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies
  • Jaak Vilo, Professor of Bioinformatics, Institute of Computer Science, member of the Estonian Academy of Science

University of Tartu Star of Appreciation

  • Eerik Kergandberg, Former Justice of the Supreme Court, visiting professor at the University of Tartu until 2017 
  • Ando Kiviberg, Folk musician, chief organiser of Viljandi Folk Music Festival  
  • Kristin Kraav, Deputy Head of International Research Cooperation Department, Estonian Research Council 
  • Ott Lumi, Government relations advisor for the University of Tartu and Universities Estonia 
  • Meelis Milder, Entrepreneur, member of the Supervisory Board of    Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp AS 

University of Tartu Medal

  • Carri Ginter, Associate Professor in European Law, School of Law 
  • Jyrki Tapio Heinämäki, Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Institute of Pharmacy 
  • Tiina Kattel, Junior Lecturer in Estonian and Lithuanian, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures 
  • Kai Kisand, Professor of Cellular Immunology, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 
  • Äli Leijen, Professor of Teacher Education, Head of Institute, Institute of Education 
  • Jaan Masso, Associate Professor in Applied Econometrics, School of Economics and Business Administration 
  • Ene Paldre, Librarian, Library; Academic Affairs Specialist, Institute of Cultural Research 
  • Katariina Sofia Päts, President of the Student Body until 2023; Development Manager, Viljandi Culture Academy 
  • Erki Tammiksaar, Associate Professor in History in Geography, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences 
  • Varmo Vene, Professor of Programming Languages Semantics, Institute of Computer Science 

University of Tartu Badge of Distinction

  • Krista Aru, Director, Library 
  • Katrin Avi, Administrator, Museum 
  • Anna Beitane, Manager of Online Learning and Continuing Education Projects, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies 
  • Aili Bernotas, Librarian, Library 
  • Tatjana Brilene, Lecturer in Medical Microbiology, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 
  • Olga Einasto, Head of Service Department, Library 
  • Olesja Escuer, Gardener, Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden 
  • Pille Häidkind, Lecturer in Special Education, Institute of Education 
  • Heili Ilves, Research Fellow of Genetics, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology 
  • Maksim Ivanov, Senior Specialist for Mathematics Teaching, Youth Academy 
  • Helin Jaakma, Legal Adviser in Personnel Matters and Contracts, Human Resources Office  
  • Raivo Jaanisoo, Associate Professor in Materials Science and Applied   Physics, Institute of Physics 
  • Annika Kalda, Erasmus Student Exchange Coordinator, International Cooperation and Protocol Office 
  • Anti Kalda, Professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 
  • Gea Kammer, Director of Development, Pärnu College 
  • Mari Katariina, Kangasniemi Visiting Professor, Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health 
  • Marge Kimmel, Specialist for Continuing Teacher Education and Induction Year, Institute of Education 
  • Ulvar Kirs, Information Technology Specialist, Information Technology Office 
  • Eve Komissarov, Lecturer in Theatrical Scenery, Viljandi Culture Academy 
  • Kristina Kongi, Development Manager of the Study Information System, Office of Academic Affairs 
  • Ain Kull, Associate Professor in Physical Geography, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences 
  • Meelis Kull, Associate Professor in Machine Learning, Institute of Computer Science 
  • Erki Külaots, Master’s student of Computer Science 
  • Johann Langements, Associate Professor in Functional Analysis, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics 
  • Roman Leibov, Associate Professor of Russian Literature, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures 
  • Eva Lotta Lepp, Master’s student of Computer Science 
  • Anna Markina, Research Fellow of Criminology, School of Law 
  • Richard Meitern, Research Fellow of Animal Ecology, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences 
  • Kristjan Metsalu, Head of IT Unit, Institute of Genomics 
  • Helika Mäekivi, Estonian Language Counsellor, Marketing and Communication Office 
  • Terje Mäesalu, Senior Specialist of Data Protection, Internal Audit Office 
  • Katrin Mägi, Research Fellow in Physical Activity, Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy 
  • Ene Mölder, Specialist for Budget and Contracts, Institute of Genomics 
  • Dagmar Narusson, Lecturer in Community Work, Research Fellow in Social Innovation, Institute of Social Studies 
  • Mihkel Pajusalu, Associate Professor in Space Technology, Tartu Observatory 
  • Raivo Puhke, Lecturer in Functional Morphology, Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy 
  • Elle Põldoja, Lecturer in Human Anatomy, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 
  • Heiko Pääbo, Lecturer in Politics of Baltic Sea Region Countries, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies 
  • Priit Rohtmets, Associate Professor of Church History, School of Theology and Religious Studies 
  • Alan Rosentau, Professor in Applied Geology, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences 
  • Katrin Saar, Teacher of German Language, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures 
  • Aasa Saavaste, Academic Affairs Specialist, Institute of History and Archaeology 
  • Silvi Seesmaa, Coordinator of Writing Centre, Narva College 
  • Kristjan Siim, Senior Specialist for Construction Procurement until 2023, Estates Office 
  • Kadri Simm, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics 
  • Mart Simm, Associate Professor in Marine Biology until 2023, Estonian Marine Institute 
  • Hanna Britt Soots, Junior Research Fellow in Mathematics, Marketing and Communication Specialist, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics 
  • Triin Začek, Secretary, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine 
  • Antti Tamm, Associate Professor, Director, Tartu Observatory 
  • Tiia Tamme, Associate Professor in Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Dentistry 
  • Andres Tennus, Photographer, Marketing and Communication Office 
  • Pire Teras, Associate Professor of Estonian Phonetics, Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics 
  • Jaak Tomberg, Associate Professor of Estonian Literature, Institute of Cultural Research 
  • Kerttu Torkel, Secretary, Institute of Clinical Medicine 
  • Ene Trallmann, Head of Library, Viljandi Culture Academy 
  • Karmen Trasberg, Lecturer in Educational Management, Institute of Education 
  • Mari Tõrv, Research Fellow in Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry; Associate Professor in Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology 
  • Andero Uusberg, Associate Professor of Affective Psychology, Head of Research and Development, Institute of Psychology 
  • Laur Vallikivi, Associate Professor of Ethnology, Institute of Cultural Research 
  • Ester Veskimets, Head of Administration, Estates Office 
  • Ivo Volt, Lecturer in Classical Studies, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures; Editor-in-Chief, University of Tartu Press

Decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu”

  • Toomas Asser, Rector 
  • Tatjana Brilene, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 
  • Uno Hämarik, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics 
  • Hilja Iher, Institute of Physics 
  • Tiiu Kaart, Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Science and Technology 
  • Inge Kukk, Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden 
  • Lilia Külv, Library 
  • Kersti Luuk, Institute of Clinical Medicine 
  • Nadežda Peet, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 
  • Maere Reidla, Institute of Genomics 
  • Saima Timpmann, Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy 
  • Rein Toomla, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies 
  • Kulno Türk, School of Economics and Business Administration 
  • Eero Vasar, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine 
  • Sirje Üprus, International Cooperation and Protocol Office


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