Faculty of Social Sciences proved most active in Spring Run

2024. aasta TÜ kevadjooksu start
2024. aasta TÜ kevadjooksu start
Tarmo Haud

On 10 April, the University of Tartu Spring Run, organised by the UT Sports Board, took place for the second time, with students participating from the Estonian Aviation Academy, Estonian Military Academy, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tartu Health Care College.

Along the banks of the Emajõgi River, everyone was welcome to run or walk the trail of the UT Spring Run at their own pace. Out of all the University of Tartu participants, the most active faculty was selected, which this year was the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculty of Science and Technology came to the strong second place.

The men's overall rankings were led by runner Johannes Hussar, former biathlete Indrek Tobreluts and Tallinn University of Technology student Johannes Laur. The fastest women were runner Liis-Grete Arro, biathlete Tuuli Tomingas and long-distance runner Lily Luik.

In addition to the overall ranking, the Spring Run also determined the fastest students. The women's top three were Tuuli Tomingas (Tartu Health Care College), Carmen Rääk (University of Tartu) and Stella Sohvi Altmets (Tallinn University); the men's top three were Johannes Laur (Tallinn University of Technology), Oliver Annus (University of Tartu) and Kalev Hõlpus (Estonian Academy of Security Sciences).

The University of Tartu won the title of the fastest higher education institution in the Spring Run. Tallinn University of Technology came second and the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences came third.

In addition to awarding the winners, raffle prizes were given and the University of Tartu cheerleaders performed. The evening was hosted by renowned biathlete and sports commentator Margus Ader.

The event was organised by the University of Tartu Sports Board, University of Tartu Academic Sports Club, University of Tartu, University of Tartu Student Union and the Estonian Academic Sports Federation.

Look at results and gallery.

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