University of Tartu promotional materials

Here you can find promotional materials about the University of Tartu that highlight its academic excellence, innovation, inclusivity, and vibrant community. Feel free to use these to introduce the University of Tartu to your students. We can also send you physical materials (posters, brochures, etc.) upon request. We are also happy to give online or offline presentations to your students or participate in study abroad fairs. Please get in touch with our international marketing team:

Our Study Abroad Centre takes care of all other questions related to exchange studies.

Established in 1632, the University of Tartu is Estonia's oldest and most prestigious university. According to THE World University Rankings 2023, it is among the top 1% of universities in the world. The university is renowned for its strong research focus, with many of its faculty members engaged in cutting-edge research across various fields. The University of Tartu offers a wide range of international degree programmes, as well as opportunities for research and international exchange. Its diverse student body from all over the world creates a multicultural environment, enriching the learning experience.

The University of Tartu virtual tour is an immersive online experience that allows you to explore the historic campus and learn about the university's faculties, institutes and study buildings from the comfort of your home. You can peek into classrooms and laboratories with interactive features and stunning 360-degree views.

Welcome to Tiksu to UniTartu! Hosted by Vincent, an international student at the University of Tartu, this podcast is made for students who are interested in studying at the University of Tartu and would like to hear more about student life in Estonia. We explore student life and provide valuable insights to help to make our future students transition to their new academic as smooth as possible.
But why the name "Tiksu to UniTartu"? It's a playful nod to our mascot, Tiksu, and the Estonian word "tiksuma", which means "to hang out or chill, typically with friends."

Photos of the University of Tartu

You can download photos from here to use on your websites and promotional events. If you want to browse through more of our photos, take a look at our Flickr page.

Study opportunities at the University of Tartu

Degree programmes

Exchange studies

Free MOOCs

International Summer University

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