This page refers to the main requirements for individual plan, progress review and doctoral candidate, as well as links to guidelines and document forms.
First-year doctoral student
Doctoral students matriculated in the 2024/2025 academic year will compile and submit their individual plan and period plans in TEEK. For the 1st year doctoral student, TEEK became available on the 9th of September 2024.
NB! User of TEEK does not have to fill in the .docx forms and upload them to SIS! The planning and reporting take place based on electronic forms in TEEK.
Doctoral students matriculated since the 2022/2023 academic year
TEEK is a mandatory application for all doctoral students who have been matriculated since the 2022/2023 academic year to compile and submit their progress review documents. TEEK became available for them on the 3rd of December 2024.
NB! User of TEEK does not have to fill in the .docx forms and upload them to SIS! The planning and reporting take place based on electronic forms in TEEK.
Doctoral students matriculated before the 2022/2023 academic year
If you were matriculated before the 2022/2023 academic year, please use the same .docx forms as before and upload them to SIS.
User guide for a doctoral student
User guide for a supervisor
User guide for a progress review administrator
User guide for a member of the progress review committee
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or use the SIS helpdesk customer portal.
More information from the Intranet short news.
The individual plan is the doctoral student's research and study plan for the entire period of study. A period plan is a part of the individual plan, in which the specified plan of studies and research is agreed upon for the following progress review period. The individual plan is compiled in cooperation with the supervisor(s).
The individual plan for the whole period of doctoral studies is submitted together with the first progress review report of the first year.
The period plan of the first semester must be submitted within one month after matriculation. The doctoral student submits the following period plans together with each progress review report.
At the progress review the review committee assesses the doctoral student's progress in research and studies based on their programme and fulfilment of the individual plan.
First year doctoral students are reviewed twice: one semester after matriculation and two semesters after matriculation. From the second year onward, the progress of the doctoral student is reviewed once per academic year, two semesters after the last progress review.
The doctoral students’ self-analysis form is a tool that helps you prepare your individual plan, annual period plans and progress review reports. You can also use the completed form to plan meetings with the supervisor. The self-analysis materials are not part of the mandatory progress review documents, but the progress review committee may ask questions about your self-analysis.
When completing a doctoral curriculum, it is necessary to monitor the completion of compulsory courses and earn the required credits for the modules and the curriculum.
Recognition of courses completed during studies outside of the university
Recognition of prior learning and professional experience towards completing the curriculum
A doctoral student submits the RPL application approved by the programme director to the progress review committee with other progress review documents. If the courses on the application were not completed at the University of Tartu, the documents certifying the completion of studies must be filed with the application. The courses will be entered based on the decision of the progress review committee.
RPL application forms
When completing a doctoral programme, it is necessary to monitor the acquisition of the learning outcomes and completion of the compulsory activities described in the programme. The doctoral students’ self-analysis form is a valuable tool that helps you assess your skills and development needs to make the choices.
Recognition of courses completed during studies outside of the university
Courses, continuing education courses and other learning events can only be transferred within the study module.
Note: TEEK does not allow uploading of digitally signed documents, and at the moment, it is not yet possible for the head of the specialisation to approve documents related to the recognition of studies in TEEK. Please email the head of the specialisation with the request to consent to recognise a learning event in the programme context and attach it to the report with other documents.
Note: The transferred courses are displayed in SIS under the doctoral student’s academic results, but for technical reasons, these entries are not shown as completion of the programme in the curriculum options view. This does not affect in any way the assessment of the doctoral student’s progress
Recognition of continuing education programmes, in-service training, professional and other learning events completed at the university during the studies
The studies must be added to the individual plan or period plan, and the completed training sessions and other learning events are transferred based on the progress review report (TEEK). When compiling the plan, it is advisable to previously consult the supervisor and also the head of the specialisation to determine whether the courses are suitable for completing the programme. Documents certifying the completion of studies are attached to the progress review report in TEEK. The studies are entered in SIS after the decision of the progress review committee.
Note: The transferred courses are displayed in SIS under the doctoral student’s academic results, but for technical reasons, these entries are not shown as completion of the programme in the curriculum options view. This does not affect in any way the assessment of the doctoral student’s progress.
Recognition of prior learning and professional experience towards completion of the programme
For the recognition of prior learning and professional experience completed and gained before matriculation, an RPL application must be submitted to the progress review committee with other progress review documents in TEEK. The application must be coordinated with the head of the specialisation of the programme and submitted for the first progress review, preferably with the doctoral student’s self-analysis form.
Note: When compiling the progress review report in TEEK, give the sub-activity a title “RPL application: [title of activity]” under the learning activity or research, development and creative activity and attach all the RPL-related documents to this activity. It is advisable to distinguish activities related to different learning outcomes.
Note: TEEK does not allow the uploading of digitally signed documents, and at the moment, it is not yet possible for the head of the specialisation to approve RPL-related documents in TEEK. Please email the head of the specialisation with the request to approve the RPL application and attach the approval to the report with other documents. Please include the academic affairs specialist of your specialisation in the cc line of the email sent to the head of the specialisation and inform them of the decision of the head of the specialisation.
Note: The courses transferred with RPL are displayed in SIS under the doctoral student’s academic results, but for technical reasons, these entries are not shown as completion of the programme in the curriculum options view. This does not affect in any way the assessment of the doctoral student’s progress.
Detailed rules and guidelines for applying for a doctoral degree are available in the web version of the Regulations for Doctoral Studies.