From 22 to 28 January, representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ukrainian universities visited several Estonian universities and research and development institutions. On 27 January, the delegation was hosted by the University of Tartu Rector’s Office and the Delta centre.
The Ukrainian delegation visited the Delta centre, where Professor Jaak Vilo and Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence Dmytro Fishman showed the guests the teaching and research facilities available at the centre.
The meeting focused on assistance to Ukrainian students and cooperation between the University of Tartu and Ukrainian universities. The parties discussed the scholarships offered for studying in Tartu and how to organise the work of visiting lecturers from Ukraine at the University of Tartu, including joint online lectures. The delegation recognised the e-learning opportunities of the University of Tartu as they support flexible learning. Ukrainians were also interested in the micro-credential programmes offered by the University of Tartu, so the options of launching this form of studies in Ukraine were discussed. Among other things, the University of Tartu was praised for its high level of publications and its rise in international university rankings.
At the meeting, the University of Tartu was represented by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk, Director of Development Taivo Raud from the Rector’s Strategy Office and Head of International Cooperation Kristi Kerge.
During their week in Estonia, the delegation also visited Tallinn and Narva.