Topic: studies

Applying under the Erasmus+ program for the ENLIGHT Summer School course "Serious Game Design in Health Care and Education" has started   
Uppsala University invites UT master´s students to take part in the course “Serious Game Design in Health Care and Education” within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.
18. March 2022 studies
Psychological support for coping during difficult times
If you feel that your life and coping is disrupted, please do not hesitate to ask for help.
07. March 2022 studies
Alustab avatud veebiloengute sari, kus arutletakse, kuidas toetada jätkusuutliku linnaruumi kujundamist
10. märtsil algab avatud veebiloengute sari „Liikuvusanalüüs ja planeerimine inimmõõtmeliste linnade jaoks“, mida korraldab TÜ geograafia osakonna mobiilsusuuringute labor.
Help Ukrainian students continue their studies – make a donation to UT scholarship fund
The University of Tartu has established a scholarship fund to collect and channel donations to support the studies of Ukrainian students at the University of Tartu.
01. March 2022 studies
Staff contacts of Counselling Centre
Staff contacts of Counselling Centre
15. February 2022 studies
Erasmus+ grant for semester studies abroad
Before the beginning of your studies abroad, you must sign your Erasmus grant agreement. This agreement stipulates your rights and obligations as a participant, the exact period during which you will
08. February 2022 studies
Info session: Study abroad with Erasmus+ programme!
You have been thinking about studying abroad, but need more information for making the decision?
07. February 2022 studies
Erasmus+ Europe application round for 2025/2026
Erasmus+ Europe gives you the opportunity to study as an exchange student at one of your academic unit's partner universities in Europe.
30. January 2023 studies