Topic: for society

Doctoral defence: Raul Paat “Groundwater and surface water interactions in peatlands: Hydrogeological insights from Estonian mires“
On 3 October at 12.15 Raul Paat will defend his doctoral thesis “Groundwater and surface water interactions in peatlands: Hydrogeological insights from Estonian mires“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Geology).
11. September 2024 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Kristjan Müürsepp "Phenomenological implications of Standard Model extensions“
Kristjan Müürseppwill defend doctoral thesis on September 27th, 2024  „Phenomenological implications of Standard Model extensions“ .
10. September 2024 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Kertu Liis Krigul “The gut microbiome at the interface of human health and disease”
On 4 October at 13.15 Kertu Liis Krigul will defend her doctoral thesis “The gut microbiome at the interface of human health and disease” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Gene Technology.
10. September 2024 researchfor society
Researchers teach Estonian language and culture to language models
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudi eestvedamisel hakatakse treenima vabavaralisi keelemudeleid kõnelema senisest ladusamat eesti keelt ja mõistma paremini eesti kultuuri, et hoida ja kaitsta tehisintellekti kiire arengu tingimustes eesti keelt ning luua eestlaste jaoks hõlpsasti kasutatavaid rakendusi.
Estonia's experience in restoring damaged ecosystems inspires experts worldwide
SERE2024, an international conference focusing on ecological restoration, was held in Tartu last week.
02. September 2024 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Kairi Adamson “Applicability of digital photography in monitoring changes of leaf inclination and foliage clumping with time“
On 24 September at 14.15 Kairi Adamson will defend her doctoral thesis “Applicability of digital photography in monitoring changes of leaf inclination and foliage clumping with time“.
30. August 2024 researchfor society
How ethical is it to kill your enemies? Oxford Professor Jeff McMahan presents special issue on Russia-Ukraine war
On 5 September, one of the world’s leading moral philosophers, Professor Jeff McMahan from the University of Oxford, will give a public lecture on the ethics of killing and just war theory. His lecture marks the publication of a special issue of a philosophy journal focused on the Russia-Ukraine war. The event will be held from 16:00 to 18:00 in White Hall at the University of Tartu Museum.
Doctoral defence: Monika Reppo "Glass and its makers in Estonia, c. 1550–1950: an archaeological study"
Doctoral defence: Monika Reppo "Glass and its makers in Estonia, c. 1550–1950: an archaeological study"
22. August 2024 researchfor society
The exhibition “Missing” sheds light on the dark side of biodiversity – the extinction of species
On Friday, 23 August, at 17:00, the art exhibition “Missing” will open at the Tartu Art House, displaying contemporary artworks made from 40-million-year-old bones.
21. August 2024 Tartu2024for society
Doctoral defence Leonard Owuraku Opare “Rearing density effects on a commercially important insect species”
Leonard Opare will defend his doctoral thesis “Rearing density effects on a commercially important insect species” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Zoology and Ecology).
08. August 2024 researchfor society