On 31.October at 16:15 Kadir Aktas will defend his doctoral thesis ”Cosmic Ray Tomography based Object Reconstruction and Recognition” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Physical Engineering)
Doctoral defence: Gerli Albert "Carbon use strategies of macrophyte communities in the northeastern Baltic Sea: implications for a high CO2 environment" On 27. Oct at 10.15 J. Liivi 2 - 127
On 17 November at 10.15 Tõnn Paiste will defend his doctoral thesis “Early evolution of the genus Amorphognathus and updated Sandbian (Upper Ordovician) conodont biostratigraphy in Baltoscandia“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Geology).
Doctoral defence: Shakshi Sharma “Fighting Misinformation in the Digital Age: A Comprehensive Strategy for Characterizing, Identifying, and Mitigating Misinformation on Online Social Media Platforms“
Doctoral defence: Margo Roasto “The land question, ethnic antagonism, and the reception of political ideologies: social thought in the Estonian area, 1905–1916”