Topic: entrepreneurship

Ukrainian university lecturers develop entrepreneurial knowledge in the Startup Lab training programme
Estonian-Ukrainian cooperation project ended with an online Demo Day, where teams of Ukrainian university lecturers presented the business ideas they had developed over the previous four months.
14. June 2022 entrepreneurship
University of Tartu presents research-intensive business ideas at Demo Day
On Thursday, 16 June, at the Demo Day at the University of Tartu Delta Centre, the university's researchers will present to prospective partners and investors nearly 30 development ideas.
14. June 2022 entrepreneurshipresearch
UniTartu Ventures brings the University of Tartu's business cooperation to a new level
UniTartu Ventures and UP Catalyst have entered into a contract, the first of its kind in Estonia, whereby the university becomes a shareholder by investing intellectual property in the company.
02. June 2022 entrepreneurshipresearch
The University of Tartu spin-off company UP Catalyst makes the battery industry greener
UP Catalyst is working to revolutionize the battery industry ‒ they take industrial waste CO2 and turn it into sustainable carbon materials and graphite for the green energy storage industry.
10. May 2022 entrepreneurship
Study by the University of Tartu explains why Estonian entrepreneurs are so successful
With the most start-ups per capita in Europe, Estonia’s leaders are clearly on to something. Here’s what the University of Tartu study found.
05. May 2022 entrepreneurship
Apply to EIT Jumpstarter 2022
The creative community, advanced know-how, unique programme, expert trainers, and mentors are EIT Jumpstarter.
05. April 2022 entrepreneurship
Nordic and Baltic VCs and universities partner to nurture science-based startups
An annual startup event has become a focal point for early-stage, science-based companies to interact with investors to advance their ideas and march to the marketplace.
04. April 2022 entrepreneurship
EIT Pre-Jumpstarter workshop
EIT Pre-Jumpstarter Workshop is a 2-hour-long training and an EIT Jumpstarter awareness-raising event.
18. March 2022 entrepreneurship
University of Tartu and CybExer Technologies plan to connect ESTCube-2 satellite into a unique cybersecurity system
Cyberattacks threaten many computer-controlled systems. Attacks on technology, on which people's lives depend, are particularly dangerous.