University of Tartu and Embassy of Japan in Estonia are pleased to invite you to an online lecture “Japan-China relations in the geopolitical context of the war in Ukraine” by Professor Akio Takahara
The international business accelerator Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) launched at the University of Tartu brings together research-intensive start-ups from across Europe.
Networking is an important part of doctoral studies, and it can help young researchers establish a base for their future endeavours. Learn more about it.
School of Theology and Religious Studies of Tartu University and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften are organizing an international conference “Adolf von Harnack – bridging the gaps”.
10. märtsil algab avatud veebiloengute sari „Liikuvusanalüüs ja planeerimine inimmõõtmeliste linnade jaoks“, mida korraldab TÜ geograafia osakonna mobiilsusuuringute labor.