Science-to-business program spring 2024 calendar:
Led by: Markko Karu
Technology innovation scope and commercialzation strategies; novelty of the idea and development plan.
Led by: Andres Kuusik
Value proposition of the product or service, competitive landscape; potential customers and sales channels; business model.
Led by: Veiko Valkiainen
Role assignments in a team; leader's personality, strengths and weaknesses; holacratic leadership model, etc.
Led by: Rainis Venta and Relika Alliksaar Williams
Different forms of intellectual property and its protection.
Led by: Kati Pino
Legal aspects, differnet forms of agreements and founders´ agreement, etc.
Led by: Anu Oks
Hear the perspective of an investor when it comes to investing on deeptech companies.
Led by: Maret Ahonen
Networking event.
Pitch training for demo day.
Demoday and participating at the startup festival Latitude59.