„The appeal of the IT specialisation at Narva College lies in the fact that the lecturers here are young, keeping up with the times, and understand that the IT world is evolving rapidly. This makes learning here more efficient and interesting than elsewhere.“
Alongside basic IT and economics skills, you will acquire programming skills as well as the ability to manage information systems and databases. We offer a wide range of e-courses and organise exciting study trips to prestigious Estonian ICT companies.
The instruction is conducted in three languages: Estonian, Russian, and English. You can master all three of them during your studies. Also, students usually complete the essential internship in enterprises.
To complete your studies, you have to write a thesis or pass a final exam.
We organise our studies in cooperation with the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science.
You can have a voice in college life through the student council. Our students have excellent opportunities for personal development, as they can take part in and help organise a wide range of cultural and athletic events. For example, the college hosts horizon-widening lectures and meetings as well as club activities.
Mobility programmes allow you to study abroad. Find out more from our staff and students, many of whom are foreigners or have experience studying or working abroad.
Compared to other regions of Estonia, Ida-Virumaa has a relatively low entrepreneurial activity rate, which gives local specialists a great opportunity to succeed. Our graduates are welcomed by IT companies and other organisations needing IT specialists.
You also gain the necessary knowledge and skills to start your own business.
Graduates are welcome to continue their studies at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science and, for example, in the field of social sciences, including the Analysis of Society and Information Processes curriculum.
NB! The restrictions for the citizens of the Russian Federation are specified here.
Admission test takes place:
The admission test takes place in English or in Russian.
The admission test aims to evaluate the applicant's fit for the study programme. Applicants have to solve a multiple-choice test with calculation and logic tasks. You do not need a calculator to solve the test.
Evaluation criteria:
The total score is based on the test results, where all correct answers give the same number of points. A maximum of 100 points can be awarded for the test, and the minimum passing score is 51 points.
Admission interview takes place:
The interview takes place in English or in Russian.
The duration of the interview is 15 min.
The interview aims to evaluate the applicant's:
Topics and questions to be discussed in the interview:
Evaluation criteria:
The applicant needs to receive at least 51 points for both the test and the interview. After the interview, the final admission score is calculated. To calculate the final admission score, each indicator is assessed and expressed in points. When ranking applicants, the score of the admission test (50%) and the score of the interview (50%) are taken into account. Applicants with a final admission score of 66 points or higher will be considered for the admission ranking. The maximum total score is 100 points.
For further information on assessing applicants' academic performance and calculating the admission score, see here.
The following information applies to international students and Estonian students who graduated abroad.
The application system opens on 1 May and closes on 1 June. The following documents must be submitted electronically via DreamApply by the application deadline:
Submitted applications cannot be edited. It is only possible to upload new documents (e.g. graduation certificates). Applicants will receive feedback and notifications through the DreamApply system to their e-mail. Incomplete applications or those submitted by e-mail will not be considered for admission.
Applicants must send the application documents by post after receiving feedback that all application requirements are met. The documents should be posted to: Student Admissions, University of Tartu, Ülikooli 18-133, Tartu 50090, ESTONIA.
The documents must reach the university by 30 June. Only applicants whose application documents have reached the UT Student Admissions by the deadline can take the entrance examination. Applicants will be informed via DreamApply when their documents have arrived.
Requirements for educational documents
All copies of educational documents (secondary school certificate and grade list/transcript) must be officially certified. By certified, we mean that the copies should bear an original signature and seal of the authority certifying that these are true copies of the original document(s). The copies can be certified either 1) by an authorized official of the issuing institution, or 2) by a notary, or 3) with an Apostille attached. NB! Country-specific requirements may specify the way documents from certain countries must be certified. Please note that UT does not accept simple copies made based on already certified copies (primary copies are needed).
A ranking list will be formed based on the entrance examinations that take place in the beginning of July. Admission results will be announced to all applicants via DreamApply by 18 July at the latest. Admitted candidates are expected to accept or decline the offer in DreamApply in 2 days. If the decision is not communicated to UT via DreamApply by the stipulated deadline, UT reserves the right to withdraw the admission offer.
NB! It is not possible to postpone/defer the beginning of studies to the next academic year.
The official admission letter will be sent electronically via DreamApply to admitted students who have confirmed the offer.
NB! The electronic admission letter is also sufficient for non-EU students for applying for visa/residence permit in Estonian embassies.
Once the admission letter is issued, accepted students may proceed further with arranging their arrival. All non-EU students should first consult information on visa and temporary residence permit applications to be sure where and when the relevant documents need to be submitted.
NB! Please note that this programme is taught in our campus in Narva (184 km from Tartu).
Housing at the UT dormitory in Narva can be applied for a limited period in July after receiving the admissions offer.
Based upon common queries, the most important information has been summarised into a pre-arrival information website UT Getting Started.
Estonian applicants should apply via National Admission Information Systems (SAIS). Further information in Estonian is available here.