Vice Rector for Research Kristjan Vassil

6 March 1977 in Tartu

2012 PhD (Political and Social Sciences), European University Institute
2008 MRes (Political and Social Sciences), European University Institute (Florence, Italy)
2007 MA (Communication Studies), University of Tartu
2006 BA (Public Relations and Communications), University of Tartu

PhD in political and social sciences, 2012

Professional career:
2016–... University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vice Dean for Research and Development
2016–... University of Tartu, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, Senior Research Fellow
2014–2015 University of Tartu, Institute of Government and Politics, Research Fellow
2012–2014 University of Tartu, Institute of Government and Politics, Senior Research Fellow (postdoctoral fellow)
2012–... Estonian National Election Study (ENES), member of steering committee
2010–2011 Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), research assistant
2009–2010 Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), co-director of the e-voting study
2009 European Democracy Observatory (EUDO), Country team manager
2009 European Election Study (EES), Survey coordinator
2008–2009 European University Institute (EUI), study assistant

Main fields of research:
Technology research, economic and behavioural impacts of e-government, use of machine learning and artificial intellect for prototyping public e-services, voting behaviour, government and political sciences.

Teaching and supervising:
Supervised a number of bachelor’s and master’s theses in the University of Tartu. Currently under supervision two doctoral theses (one in political sciences, one in experimental psychology), three master’s theses (incl. one co-supervision with Tallinn University of Technology) and four bachelor’s theses.

Research-administrative and other duties:
2016 Responsible for the technical development of the voting advice application for the U.S. Presidential elections
2014 Country team leader to the pan-European voting advice application EuandI
2013 Project manager of Parlamendikompass for local elections
2011, 2015 Development of the Valijakompass for Riigikogu elections
2009 Country team leader to the pan-European voting advice application EU-Profiler
Member of the editorial board of Memokraat, an independent public blog
Member of Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
Member of American Political Science Association (APSA)
Member of European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)

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