Traditional events at the University of Tartu
- Academic year opening ceremony (held on Monday nearest to 1 September)
- UT Remembrance Day at the Raadi cemetery (last Thursday of September, or Thursday before the last Thursday of September)
- UT Founding Day (in 1632) (25 October)
- Anniversary of Estonian-language university education (anniversary of national university) (1 December)
- Rector’s New Year banquet for UT employees (on the first work day in January)
- Concert and ceremonial meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia (on the work day preceding 24 February)
- Johan Skytte Day (25 March)
- Retired employee recognition event (at the end of May)
- Rector’s banquet for cum laude graduates (after the last academic year closing ceremony)
- Inaugural lectures of professors
Additional information will be published in the event calendar.