Study leave from Estonian employer

If a student or external student works in Estonia, then according to the Estonian Adult Education Act they have the right to apply for study leave from their employer.

It is possible for a student or external student to get study leave from their employer for up to 30 calendar days in each calendar year based on a letter from their educational institution. The student’s average salary is maintained for 20 calendar days during any study leave granted for participation in higher education. In the letter given by the university it is written whether the student is on academic leave, and if so, whether the student is participating in studies during their period of academic leave. The employer has the right to refuse to grant study leave if studies have been suspended due to academic leave.

In order to graduate, it is possible on a once-only basis to receive an additional 15 days of study leave, for which both students and external students have the right to receive the minimum wage. The employer may refuse to grant leave for finishing higher education studies if they have already granted leave to the same employee for finishing the same curriculum.

When applying for study leave the student or external student should indicate whether they wish to take study leave to participate in studies or to graduate.

The employer has the right to refuse to grant study leave if the day of study leave or consecutive days of study leave fall exclusively on the employee’s days off.

A certificate of study is issued by the Dean’s Office of the relevant faculty or by the institute or college which manages the curriculum. It is also possible to get a certificate from if such a certificate is suitable.

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