Out of Enchantment: Fairy Tales in Pop-Culture and History

On-site in Tartu 1-7 August 2022

The course will provide an insight into fairy tale studies and will include a broad analysis of both folk tales and fairy tallish stories, adopted by contemporary cinematography.

The objective of this course is to describe the core structure of the tale and fairy tale characters, which are recognizable in movies and screen adaptations. During the course, we will find out why Harry Potter is the Dragon Slayer and which folk tales correlate with this story; why Daenerys Targaryen is the mother of dragons, and who else gave miraculous birth to fantastic creatures; and figure out why hero(ine)s need supernatural powers. We will also get familiar with the main features of the hero(ine), how they have changed during the last century and how gender and queer theories impact the female characters and the outcome of the tales.

Students will familiarise themselves also with old versions of the tales, such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, tales about Dragon Slayer, and Little Red Riding Hood as well as get to know the local versions of the tales.

Students will learn how to recognise basic fairy tale motifs, the structure of the tale story, the typical hero(ine)s, and the course of the plot in modern screen adaptations regarding the folk fairy tale structure. We will learn to rethink well-known stories from a new perspective, including social contexts, the concept of beauty, empowerment; as well as trace changes and transformations in the stories, using both core and newest theories and approaches to fairy tale studies.

Focus area: Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies Coordinating unit at UT

Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Institute of Cultural Research, Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore

Study Field: Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies Course Leader Alina Oprelianska
Format Summer course Location Tartu, Estonia
Course dates: 1-7 August 2022 Apply by: 19 June 2022
ECTS: 2 Fee: 250 €
Study group All students on the level of BA and MA Language English

Application period has ended. See you in 2023!

Before the course, the students will be given reading materials for after-lectures discussions. During the first day, students will be assigned into groups for a final project. The final project will be a 10-minute presentation on the movie, series, book, screen adaptation or a local variant of the tale of your choice.

All the readings will be provided in Moodle and can be read before the beginning of the course.


  • Introductory lecture
    -What is a fairy tale?
    -Who is the hero(ine) in the tale and what are their main feature?
    -What is the structure of the tale?
    -Why do we need fairy tales nowadays?


  • Local variants and meaning of the famous fairy tales (with guest lectures from Tartu University) based on Ukrainian, Mongolian and Estonian tales.
  • Group work
  • In the evening, there will be an informal discussion on the prospective final projects and country-specific tale variants.


  • Gender studies and fairy tales: approaches and impact on the representation of tale plots (with a part-time video guest-lecture on topical questions of queer and gender theory)
  • Gender stereotypes in Walt Disney’s screen adaptations.
  • The meaning of femininity and masculinity for the course of the plot, and how they vary through cultures and times.
  • Recent shifts in retelling famous fairy tales.
  • Group work


  • Fairy tales in popular culture and screen adaptations:
  • Popular motifs and characters.
  • From stereotyped hero(ine) to stereotyped personality.
  • How do famous stories use fairy tale plots and motifs?
  • Informal discussion in the evening.


  • Transformation of the hero(ine) in film adaptations of fairy tales.
  • Final projects presentations.
  • Concluding discussion.

Participants can take part in a cultural programme in the evenings.

Entry requirements:

  • Online application form
  • Motivation letter (up to 1 page) that demonstrates the applicant’s motivation to participate, his/her expectations about the programme, how participation in the summer programme relates to his/her studies and interests, and how the applicant plans to use the gained experience and knowledge in the future.
  • Transcript of academic records
  • Copy of passport

PS: Only complete applications including all annexes submitted by the deadline will be considered for selection.

Examination format: pass/fail, based on the final group presentation and involvement in discussions.

Students completing the course will:

  • Get familiar with fairy tale studies theories.
  • Get familiar with different variants of the most famous tale types.
  • Learn to rethink both screen adaptations and folk tales.
  • Learn to critically analyse plots and motifs.

Two weeks prior to the start of the programme an information file will be sent to all participants. This file contains the daily schedule and relevant contact information of the programme managers.

Students are responsible for their travel, accommodation and travel insurance (visa arrangements if needed) from their home country to Tartu and back to their home country. It is recommended to visit the Tartu Welcome Centre website and arrival and housing section to find accommodation opportunities.

The University of Tartu will offer 20 tuition waivers (scholarships) altogether for citizens of Ukraine for all summer courses. It will cover the course fee and cultural programme. Accommodation and daily expenses are not included.
The selection process is going to be based on the motivation letter. In order to apply for the scholarship please submit your application to the summer course and upload a motivation letter (no longer than approx 1 A4 page).

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