2 August 1963
1989 Tallinn Polytechnic Institute, candidate of sciences (PhD) in physics and mathematics
1986–1989 Tartu State University, postgraduate study
1981–1986 Tartu State University, Applied Mathematics
1981 Kuusalu Secondary School
Academic degree:
Candidate of sciences (PhD) in physics and mathematics
Professional career:
2010–2018 University of Tartu, Finance Office, Head of Budget Unit
2001–2007 University of Tartu Press, Member of the Board
1999–2018 University of Tartu, Finance Office, Senior Specialist for Analysis
1993–1998 AS Eris, CEO, Manager
1993 OÜ Esmar Agriculture, Chief Accountant
1989–1992 University of Tartu, Chair of Programming, Teacher, Senior Teacher, Lecturer
Administrative and other duties:
2011–2014 Member of Statistical Council