Full-time and part-time study

International students of bachelor and master's programmes are generally admitted to English and Estonian taught programmes as full-time students. To determine a student’s study load (full-time or part-time) the completion of the curriculum is evaluated at the end of each academic year (after two studied semesters). Credit points are calculated in total across the entire completed period of study (not separately per semester). Only the courses that belong to the student’s study programme are taken into account when determining study load.

For full-time study, 75-100% of the total courses specified in the curriculum must be completed each academic year:

  • at least 45 ECTS by the end of the first year;
  • at least 90 ECTS by the end of the second year;
  • at least 135 ECTS by the end of the third year.

Those who fail to fulfil the requirements for full-time study are transferred to a part-time student place.

With part-time study, 50-75% of the total of the courses prescribed by the curriculum must be completed:

  • at least 30 ECTS by the end of the first year;
  • at least 60 ECTS by the end of the second year;
  • at least 90 ECTS by the end of the third year.

If an international student is transferred to a part-time student place, the university is obligated to inform the Police and Border Guard Board and the TRP for study will be revoked.

Additionally, if an international student takes an academic leave during the studies, then the TRP for study can be revoked unless student continues studying and during the academic leave fulfills the full-time workload requirements completing 75 % of courses which equates to 22.5 ECTS per semester.

If studies take place in the year system (English Medicine programme, some Estonian programmes in the Faculty of Medicine), a student must, by the end of the semester, complete 100% of the compulsory courses specified in the curriculum. In these curricula it is possible to study only full-time.

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