The first period of the ENLIGHT project has been successful

On 31 October 2023, the first three-year period of the ENLIGHT project will end. During that time, cooperation between universities has been promoted and opportunities for student mobility have been improved.

Within the project

  • 110 University of Tartu students participated in a total of 30 ENLIGHT events (incl. courses);

  • seven UT members took part in teacher education training in Ghent;

  • three Learning and Teaching Conferences have taken place, attended by UT students and employees;

  • University of Tartu teaching staff have taught at other universities (e.g. Hans Orru at Uppsala University's course "Global and Environmental Aspects on Neurohealth" and Elena Sügis at Groningen Summer University's course "Data Science and AI in Health");

  • a course catalogue containing over 3,000 courses for students of ENLIGHT universities has been created;

  • numerous e-lectures open to all interested parties have taken place;

  • the joint micro-credential programme "Designing 15-minute City for All" in cooperation with Ghent University will soon be launched.

ENLIGHT (European university Network to promote equitable quality of Life, sustainability and Global engagement through Higher education Transformation) is an organisation of European universities established in 2020. It is formed by ten comprehensive, research-intensive universities: University of the Basque Country, University of Bern (as an associated partner), University of Bordeaux, Comenius University Bratislava, University of Galway, Ghent University, University of Göttingen, University of Groningen, University of Tartu and Uppsala University.

ENLIGHT's continuation project will start on 1 November 2023 and last for four years. The budget of the new project at the UT is 1.7 million euros.

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