Call for application: ENLIGHT Equity and Sustainability Transitions summer school for doctoral students


Doctoral students of the University of Tartu are invited to apply for the ENLIGHT network’s summer school focusing on equity and sustainability.

In the context of the climate crisis, and energy and food crises driving up the cost of living, the transition to sustainable economies and societies is urgently required. The summer school focuses on the ideas behind sustainability transitions and the ways it is equally possible for those with less resources or options for change. The students will gain an understanding of the concepts of equity, climate justice and sustainable transitions, and how they are linked.

The face-to-face learning period takes place from 29 May to 2 June 2023 in Ireland, the University of Galway. Prior to this, the student must do an online assignment. The course is free of charge and participants can apply to have some of their expenses covered (up to 70 euros per day). Completing the course gives the student 5 ECTS.

The course takes place in the framework of the ENLIGHT project and welcomes students from all partner universities of ENLIGHT. Three students from each university will be selected to participate. Read more about ENLIGHT.

For the requirements and additional information, read more about the course. Application is open until 3 January via web form.

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