ENLIGHT goals for the next period were discussed at the meeting in Uppsala

Enlight kohtumine Uppsala ülikoolis
Kristi Kerge

Representatives of ENLIGHT universities met from 22 to 24 November in Uppsala to discuss the activities for the next ENLIGHT project period.

According to Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk, who participated in the meeting, the big and complex goal of the new period compared to the previous one is to make ENLIGHT's activities (courses or their parts, student mobility, joint curricula, staff training, research cooperation) more connected to the everyday activities of universities. "The goal is that these activities would reach more people and be durable. In the previous period, many exciting one-off courses were held, we learned about each other's good practices, prepared guidelines, etc. Now, we should take a step forward. It is necessary to find ways to make ENLIGHT's good experience and cooperation with other universities a part of our everyday life," said Valk. At the same time, as a positive aspect, Valk pointed out that during the first ENLIGHT period, the mobility of University of Tartu students to ENLIGHT universities increased four times in three years. "We certainly hope that this trend will continue."

A new challenge domain was added to the previous five flagship domains of the project: culture and creativity. The new challenge domain will provide more opportunities and connections for teachers, learners and researchers in different disciplines.

ENLIGHT's other challenge domains are

  1. health and well-being
  2. digital revolution and impact of digitization
  3. climate change
  4. energy and circular economy
  5. equity

From the start of the new project period, ten European universities belong to the ENLIGHT network: University of the Basque Country, University of Bern (as a new partner), University of Bordeaux, Comenius University Bratislava, University of Galway, Ghent University, University of Groningen, University of Göttingen, University of Tartu and Uppsala University. The new period began in November 2023 and will last four years.

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