Educational Change in Times of Rapid Technological Innovation

Online session 10 - 29 June 2022
On site week in Tartu 25 - 30 August 2022
Online session in September

Opening up education through new technologies is important not only for improving the access to education, developing new teaching methods and approaches and modernizing substance and topics, but also requires students to acquire digital skills during the study process.

Educational Change in Times of Rapid Technological Innovation is an intensive online course designed to provide an opportunity for learners to examine the development of technology-enhanced teaching and learning. Furthermore, stimulates conversations to re-imagine teaching as well as learning in times of digital transformation. The e-course aims to empower people to re-imagine modern teaching practices and follow the transformation of education. The course will combine theoretical knowledge with practical exercises and group work.

Focus area: Education Coordinating unit at UT

Institute of Education

Study Field: Educational Technology Course Leader Emanuele Bardone
Associate Professor of Educational Technology
Format Blended Intensive Programme Location online and in Tartu
Course dates:
online 10 - 29 June 2022 and in September Apply by: 25 May 2022
on-site 25 - 30 August 2022 Fee: 600 €
ECTS: 3 Language English

Application period has ended. See you in 2023!

The intensive blended course will be comprised of 4 weeks of virtual learning and 1 week on-site in Tartu. Each week, there will be webinars, online assignments, individual readings and practice.

Online part 10 - 29 June 2022: Introduces new tools in modern teaching with theoretical knowledge. Stimulates conversations to re-imagine teaching and learning.

On-site part 25 - 30 August 2022 in Tartu: The theoretical knowledge will be put into practice. Includes intensive group-work and assignments under the guidance of our best teachers. During the on-site week, the students will have practical exercises on the topics covered, discussions, group work, as well as physical meetings with an expert group.

Online session in September 2022: Submission Blueprint with Conclusions.

Topics covered:
Introduction to the Blended School
Digital Literacy
New Learning Paradigm and Educational Imaginaries
Technology Use in Education

The course is designed for applicants with at least some experience working as educators in schools, universities or other education institutions:
  • Teachers training students with practical classroom teaching experience
  • In-service teachers and pre-service teachers with practical classroom experience
  • Lecturers (of teachers training), professional trainers and pedagogues: museum and science centre educators, etc
  • Other students or practitioners belonging to other disciplinary backgrounds who are interested in technology and education.
Entry requirements:
  • Online application form filled in SoleMove system (information will be sent to student's e-mail).

Before the first online session on 10th of June, please make a video clip (max 5 min). The video clip is the opportunity for the applicant to introduce themselves and provide an overall explanation as to why she/he wants to be part of the summer programme. The applicants can use the following questions:

  1. What are the major challenges that education is currently facing? What is the role of educational technology in addressing those challenges?
  2. What role does technology have in the applicant’s teaching practice?
  3. How can participation in the summer programme contribute to the applicant’s professional development?
The course will end with the Project work:

A participant, who has successfully completed the course:

  • Is familiar with new technology and methodology in education and knows how to apply some in their profession
  • Knows the development of online education / educational technology / technology-enhanced learning
  • Applies theories and ideas of education to his/her work
  • Critically analyses the challenges and complexity of technology use in education.

Two weeks prior to the start of the programme an information file will be sent to all participants. This file contains the daily schedule and relevant contact information of the programme managers.

Students are responsible for their travel, accommodation and travel insurance (visa arrangements if needed) from their home country to Tartu and back to their home country. It is recommended to visit the Tartu Welcome Centre website and arrival and housing section to find accommodation opportunities.

The University of Tartu will offer 20 tuition waivers (scholarships) altogether for citizens of Ukraine for all summer courses. It will cover the course fee and cultural programme. Accommodation and daily expenses are not included.
The selection process is going to be based on the motivation letter. In order to apply for the scholarship please submit your application to the summer course and upload a motivation letter (no longer than approx 1 A4 page).

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