Startup Day

Dmytro Fishman is developing a start-up that uses AI to help doctors to diagnose cancer more efficiently

Dmytro Fishman is a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu. He is also the co-founder and the Chief Science Officer of Better Medicine, a medical imaging startup that is building intelligent tools to enable doctors to diagnose cancer more efficiently.

Fishman was awarded the Ustus Agur Scholarship in 2018. His thesis was awarded second place in Technology in a competition held by the Estonian Research Council (Eesti Teadusagentuur) in December 2021. He later received the University of Tartu Badge of Distinction in 2022. More recently, he was awarded the title of Best Young IT Scientist in Estonia in May 2023 for his research in applying AI to biomedical imaging data.

Startup Day sat down with Dmytro to chat about his thriving dual career in academia and entrepreneurship, his thoughts on setting up a MedTech company in Estonia, and ping pong.

Read the inverview from Startup Day blog.

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