The Data Science Seminar took place on October 31st, 3:45 – 8 p.m. Estonian time on the topic of sustainable development.
The seminar focused on minimizing climate change through hi-tech solutions, accurate data collection and management, the advantage of optimized complicated energy systems, and getting the maximum benefits out of afforestation.
15:45 - Gathering and coffee
16:15-17:30 - Session I (moderated by Meelis Kull)
16:15 - Data for nature conservation and restoration: new tools and opportunities – Aveliina Helm, Professor of Restoration Ecology, University of Tartu, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
16:40 - Uncertainty estimation in Estonian forest inventory – Kalev Pärna, Professor Emeritus, University of Tartu, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
17:05 - The new forest economy – Kristjan Lepik, CEO & Co-Founder of Arbonics
17:30 - Coffee break
17:30-19:00 - Session II (moderated by Ardi Tampuu)
17:45 - Wonderful Radar – Rich View Through Clouds – Tauri Tampuu, Research and development manager, SAR expert, and Kaupo Voormansik, SAR expert, CEO of KappaZeta Ltd
18:10 - Personalized optimization in electric power system – Kirill Grjaznov, Data Scientist, and Arko Kesküla, Data Scientist, STACC
18:35 - Low-cost sensing for environmental sustainability – Huber Flores, Associate Professor of Pervasive Computing, University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science
19:00 - Networking
Prof. Jaak Vilo
Data Science Chair
Institute of Computer Science
University of Tartu, +372 50 49 365 (Jaak Vilo),+372 737 6402 (Carolin Siimenson)