Blurred Meanings in Law, Regulations, Guidelines

A multidisciplinary, team-based summer school in Tartu, Estonia 17- 28 July 2023.

In business, academia, law and medicine, documents (laws, regulations, guidelines) regulate what practitioners do. Very often, these documents contain vague, indeterminate or context-sensitive language. And when they do, power and personal interest can bend interpretation of the documents away from the purposes the documents were originally supposed to serve. You’ve very probably seen misapplications of documents you work with or study in your own discipline.

The Summer School brings together administrators, economists, legal theorists, linguists, and philosophers to help participants address questions like the following: how do contextual factors shape how regulations, laws, etc. get interpreted in context? Which contexts are especially prone to generate misapplications of those documents?; and how can we successfully intervene in a context to reduce the risk that the document is misapplied?

Recruitment and selection of 5 students from each of the nine ENLIGHT partner universities will be carried out by each of the institutions themselves, following local requirements.

Course is available only for the students of ENLIGHT partner universities: University of the Basque Country, University of Bordeaux, Comenius University Bratislava, National University Ireland Galway, Ghent University, University of Göttingen, University of Groningen, Uppsala University, University of Tartu.

For information and application, please contact the general ENLIGHT email address of your home institution:

More information about the course on ENLIGHT course website.

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