Application for ENLIGHT Global Engagement Module 2023

Global citizen

The ENLIGHT network invites 2nd and 3rd-year bachelor’s students of all curricula to apply to the Global Engagement Module, which offers great opportunities for internationalisation and teamwork.

The Global Engagement Module has been developed within the ENLIGHT project for students of all nine ENLIGHT partner universities. The course aims for students to acquire generic competences, and to foster global engagement. The course focuses on real-world challenges and cultural diversity, and inclusion of various stakeholders. There is an emphasis on intercultural bridging skills, communication and effective teamwork. Active learning methods and personalised feedback are used.

The course is held as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme. The online learning period takes place from 20 March to 19 May 2023 and the face-to-face learning period from 15 to 22 April either in the University of Ghent, Groningen, or Göttingen. The course is free of charge and participants are granted the Erasmus+ support for short-term blended mobility (70 euros per day). Completing the course gives the student 5 ECTS.

The course takes place in the framework of the ENLIGHT project and welcomes students from all nine partner universities of ENLIGHT. Nine students from each university will be selected to participate. Read more about ENLIGHT.

For the requirements and additional information, read more about the course. Application is open until 9 November via the SoleMove system according to the guidelines below.

Further information:
Tiina Jaksman
ENLIGHT Project Manager
International Cooperation and Protocol Office
737 6167

Please make sure you are familiar with the Erasmus+ blended mobility terms and grants before submitting the application!

Erasmus+ blended mobility application should be submitted via SoleMOVE system as follows:

  1. Select University of Tartu as your home university from the list

  1. Log into the system by using your UT credentials

  1. From the menu at left side bar, choose "Application form for short student mobility"

  1. Click "new" to start creating an application

  1. Choose “Study" for the type of mobility

  1. Select application period (competition call) from the list: „Blended Intensive Program (BIP)“

  1. Click "save" to save the draft and start filling out the application.

Start filling the application from the second tab (exchange study information), not from the first (personal data). It is important because choosing the study abroad exchange program under defines the fields of the application template accordingly. Once the study abroad exchange program has been selected, the application template gets changed, before that it is displayed as general template.

  • Exchange study information:

For Groningen or Göttingen, choose Groningen: the Netherlands, University of Groningen, (NL GRONING01)

For Ghent, choose Ghent: Belgium, University of Ghent, (B GENT 01)

  • Exchange program: Erasmus+ Europe

  • Mobility: Blended

  • Home institution: Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies

  • Departmental coordinator: Uta Kührt

  • Duration of your exchange: April 15-23, 2023 (period of physical study abroad)

  • Enclosures: upload a short letter of motivation (max 300 words) and save for later. Chosen students will have to upload the letter of motivation once again afterwards.

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